Best moments/clips of Gregg being a tough guy?

18  2015-10-17 by smokinswindler

I've started listening to early XM clips and there seems to be a recurring theme of Gregg always acting like a untouchable tough guy (probably leftover from his mob days). One of them a caller was joking about Greggs dad dying and Gregg kept aggressively inviting the guy down to the studio for a fight like he was fucking Connor McGregor, Super douche-chilly. My Opie hate levels are getting low and I just need a nice boost to get through the day, so are there anymore good clips of Billy Bad Tits out there?


a couple years ago when Sam and Opie went to the Bruce Springsteen concert...

Opie said some guy in the crowd kept bumping into him, so Opie "stared him down" until he got scared and left

It is the defining skirt lifting of an insecure fagbaby douchechiller

Indeed, Opie should have "How does that feel fucker!?" on his gravestone.


Fuck, I came in here to post exactly this. Goddamn you.

This actually makes me feel nauseous.

In reality Opie was playfully wrestling a Frenchman in a jakuzzi and just got caught up in the retelling.

he was supposed to blow him BEFORE THE JACUZZI!!!



Opie is a massive pussy, he backed down when Fez dropped his ass before he retired

Don't forget on twitter or in the youtube comments he said he posted the audio of Fez because he thought it was funny then the next day on air he says he didn't listen to it.

the censored one anyway


Tits acts like a badass in this clip but gets destroyed

Rick call's him out for having tits too at 9:25. Great clip

He also talked up his brothers like they are even more crazy and dangerous than THE PSYCHO. Him, over there, he ALMOST made it into the sunday funny papers with his cartoons. Oh fuck another one! Look out, gang, that guy sucks his own dick!

He always talks like hes some tough guy. Its just a front for his insecurities. Did you hear him bitching about cutting himself putting together a kids playset? There is nothing tough or cool about the guy.

Opie vs Jim fight, specifically this famous line: (8:37)

Jim babies him after too


His Twitter war with the J E T S guy

lets not forget dipshit returning that dudes wallet. The guy thought Opie stole it and opie FORCED that guy to shake his hand or some shit. long story shit, opie sucks.

THAT was fucking infuriating. I barely remember anything about it except getting mad. I'm sure he said "Tryna do the right thing" and "I don't NEED your FOKKEN money you IDIOT" at least 5 times a piece.

When it seemed like Jesse The Body may have made a move on Jimmy, way after the fact Opie says something to the effect of, "I would have got up and done something probablu" everyone chuckles in disbelief "What? I've been doing a little boxing lately, I could have done something."

Opie at the boxing gym "sniff why'd you hit me so hard ffffuckface?!"

There's one where Opie claimed to have almost fought a cab driver. I will search for it but might be tough to find.

I've started listening to early XM clips and

Well that sounds like an appropriate, productive venture for a man of your age. Using your time wisely.

Not quite Opie being a though guy but close enough, the story of his brother confronting a person breaking into his business. The trespasser gets lippy when confronted so Opie inserts "You don't say that to a Hughes!! We're PSYCHOS!"

Tl;dr: Opie tells another fake story pumped up for radio.