Did anyone catch Jimmy the other day saying he doesn't eat honey because there's too much sugar in it?

30  2015-10-16 by Jackthejew

Hey fuck you could have honey in every child size meal you eat and you would not gain an ounce go out and have a coke and some chicken nuggets once in awhile stop being an anorexic grandmother you look ridiculous enjoy yourself you're not going to go tumbling back into being a fat slob because you eat honey


Honey is a really addictive and dangerous substance. Jim's been clean and sober for decades now. Wouldn't want to ruin that goodness.

The guy can't be within 20 feet of a beehive or his blood starts itching.

yeah he was a raging honeyholic for 20 minutes before he went to rehab and honey anonymous... stop being a baby boy and telling him to do t hings you jerrrrrrrrrrrrrk

Sad. So sad. Tragic even.

seriously, ever seen how crazy bees go over it?

I know that's the joke. That Jim drank 2 beers as a 14 year old and claimed he was an alcoholic. But to be honest, from his stories about sex addiction and his current obsession with health/fitness, I wouldn't doubt he could've been a drunk.

heys eighten behhter!

Gan ta the GEM!

No one on that show apparently understands how sugar works.

They don't understand how ANYTHING works! They're the most sheltered people alive today.

A consolation is that their stupidity is definitely ensuring they are leading miserable lives. Jimmy thinks anything sweet at all must be at least 50% sugar so he's sitting home alone eating root vegetables as a clock ticks loudly down the hall.

I would kill to see what Jim does when the show is over. I just want a peak, just a taste, into his daily life. It must be fascinating.

He gets home. Makes a healthy lunch. Then he edges until bedtime.

don't forget he has multiple games of chess with friends going during the edging

"chess" aka Jim and a tranny having a rub off race on face time .


I bet if you cut the power to the individual homes of tits and the stangels they would be dead within 2 weeks.

Yet some of the richest sheltered people I've ever heard speak.

ME: Hey ffffffuckface, I watched a docyoomenchree about it. Is that today's problem?

Cum is perfectly good substitute for honey.

- Jim Norton

I don't think he said that.

oh literal /u/SteakSauce66 !

Just another item on The Worm's list: beer, burgers, honey, funny.

honesty, integrity


Jimmy is an addict in every way. He has zero control and takes things too far. It doesn't matter what it is drugs, sex, dieting, Jimmy is an obsessive compulsive. He quit drugs/booze and hookers so now he's all about diet and apartment hunting. Even when looking for relationships he obsessed over dating apps and started getting into feet because it was "safe" to ask for those pics. He will always have a problem no matter what he does.

A lot of addicts are basically addicted to recovery. Jimmy is absolutely addicted/obsessive about the fitness thing. Drive out to north jersey and ask your mother for a hug you albino gecko looking motherfucker.

if only hes addicted to putting an effort in any of his shows

It's hilarious he doesn't put any effort into anything that could help him, comedy writing, being social with women, modern culture, etc. He has a great work ethic and keeps his nose out of drugs, but it just manifests in other behavior.

What if its sex & drugs & rock & roll?

What would he even eat honey in? I think I'd have to run a google search before I even knew how to eat some honey aside from just eating a spoon of it.

I put it on cereal sometimes.

It's good with plain yogurt, or on a peanut butter sammich.

I use it in a steak marinade I make.

We should list Top Ten Ways to Eat Honey, then jerk each other off.


Well give him the benefit of the doubt. One sniff of honey and a week later you're back to sipping Jameson and edging under a porch

I'd think he would be gobbling that stuff up. Isn't it basically bee jizz?

No, it's bee barf. And the bees that collect pollen to make honey are female.

There's your useless trivia for the day.

That explains his hatred.

He'd pay for a human female to vomit in his mouth, but sweet, sweet honey, he can't do.

How he has the gall to host an advice show....


No nit left unpicked on this here subreddit. no sir.

Look the well is running dry

Eventually Titmeat will put out another viral sensation or Anthony will go on another 7 paragraph long drunken rant and we will have new material, but we are in between albums right now and still touring with the old material.

he is literally the worst. they used to have really compelling segments on what they were putting in their nutribullet and jimmys would only talk about he couldn't put in there. ugh


nutribullets are compelling?

Tits loves his nutribullet

The infomercial was about as good as it gets at 3:30 AM right after you jerked off into your boxers and wiped the cum all over your pubes.

Norton claims to hate 'hypocrites' who don't openly admit their naughty behaviors.

Norton cannot admit two things: 1) Drugs are behind his weight loss 2) He has given blowjobs.

1.a) the drug use is negatively affecting his comedy which is now on a kind of 'autopilot'.

He can't admit liking men with wigs is gay.

Can't wait to finally hear this confession from Ol' Sniffy-Mc-Pee-Break

really drugs?

well that and AIDS yes

Jimmy doesn't eat honey anymore because it reminds him too much of Steve C.

He's an addict, sugar could trigger him into a downward spiral. First it's honey, next it's prank phone calls to the FBI.

Honey is pure sugar. Makes sense

The only proper ending to this story is for Jim to OD one day on something, preferably Opie's cum, but I'll take anything really.

"sweet = sugar = bad" is literally the thought process of morons


"No no you can't out exercise a bad diet that's what my trainer says"

he does look ridiculous, I'll agree with that (especially when he does that fake smile in pictures). But he's actually not all wrong here. Honey is super shady and is mostly made from high fructose corn syrup these days. The don't even have to put it on the label so it's super shady.



If he cut out some of the loads he gobbles from trannies (I know, I know...they're brave "women" on a journey) he'd have enough caloric room to enjoy some honey every now and then.


hes so fuckin ugly, does he know that?

What does he even eat anymore? There are organic honeys that aren't full of additives and are totally fine to eat if you're dieting.

Lookin like Moby & shit...

New nickname for Jim: Grandma Fussbucket.

Fawk yeah...more like jizzbucket. tss

I don't eat no ham & eggs, cause they're high in cholesterol.

Honey is almost pure sugar. You don't need it

I know. What is he, FOOOOOOOWOOOUURRRRRR?!!!!?!!?

Buzz off Bimmy

This is bothering you? Days later? Yeesh.

90% of us are posting on a sub about an irrelevant radio show we don't actually listen to. This is in the bottom 1% of our issues.


Don't pretend you're not over Cakestomp which was YEARS ago.