Opie clarifies how he knows listening numbers

6  2015-10-16 by Dennyislife

Apparently they tell him the online listeners part and he says they are 2nd behind Howard.


2nd out of 2 people is still last place.

How many fucking times is bologna tits going to flip flop on this? He knows. He doesn't know. Make up your balding mind already.

Opie says a lot of things.

Because he's Opie from .....a lot of Tings'

I heard this on Bobby's old podcast intro before I ever heard O&A and immediately was put off by his ability to douche chill a nation with less than 10 words.

Guys like Tits usually survive in radio a year or two at the most after graduating from college and then end up starting a landscaping business. Ant gave him a career trajectory he wasn't supposed to have. You would think in all his years behind the mic he would have developed some skills. The guy is autistic. He can barely speak english. His career after Jim Norton is over. I hope he saved his money.

Multiple times. Then he forgets and says something polar opposite.

Rinse and repeat.

This is Opie.

Are you saying that sometimes Opie doesn't tell the truth?

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, wait i mean YESSSSSSSS!!!

Opie said in the past that they were 2nd when Anthony was still on the show. Today, they are probably 2nd on their own channel, certainly behind the Friday morning Bennington show. I wouldn't be surprised if the Nagle kid with his geek show had a bigger audience than Opie.

Considering he needed Erock to explain how ratings were recorded last week, I would imagine he only knows what they are when his agent tells him they are up and he should ask for more money.


That doesn't mean shit. Opie is probably a DISTANT 2nd, what other daily shows are really on XM side. Online comes with subscription so Opie is counting those subs twice, and plenty of people quit subscribing and keep signing up for new free trials online. If you have "20,000 new subscribers" Gregg; How many are just activating their already existing online account (I didn't know I got one at first)? How many are the same assholes repeatly signing up for free trails (That were at one point real subs lost after Ant's firing)? If you are doing so great why has your ad rate and ad revenue gone down since O&A days Greggy? Howard read = $10,000, Opie read = $500 (but heard some go for only $200).

He's improving. There was a time when the well titted autist would've said their numberrrrs blew Howard out of the water.

He doesn't know how well but they are doing well. He also "thinks" they are #2 behind Stern for online listening. BULLSHIT to all of it

So in the fraction of listeners that are online, they listen to O&J. That doesn't make them 2nd or popular. What percentage of total listeners are listening online?

Mental gymnastics or some shit.

Opie has always had a distorted view on the popularity of their show. At their peak on WNEW, they were still nobodies outside of a couple of East Coast cities. He wants to be Howard, he's obsessed with Howard, etc. The fact is he is a shitty morning zoo hack DJ who hit the lottery, he should be content with that fact if he wasn't such a mentally ill asshole.