We need to get pewdiepie on board.

0  2015-10-16 by bdizzle45

Opie said that pewdiepie videos stink. Maybe pewdiepie (stop saying pewdiepie) with his 6.5 million twitter followers should be made aware of Opie's cakestomp video.


Eww no! And they do stink. He's the Justin Bieber of the video game world.

eeh, from what i heard, pewdiepie is atleast a pretty decent person what with the charities and shit.

no you're thinking of DarkSydePhil, he's the massive douchebag on that scene

I already got excited over this Jocktober because I thought we might have been able to get Tits fired. But Tits isn't getting fired no matter what we do. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go masturbate to preteen snuff porn and cry myself to sleep.

I'm with you on everything but the snuff part. I like when they smile and enjoy playing Frickle-Frackle.


Pewdiepie is fucking terrible.

I agree, but the guy has 6.5 million followers.

Which is as much a condemnation of Western Society as the selfie stick or the labradoodle.

or the labradoodle

But definitely not the schnoodle.

Mr Mallonogens come here!

asians love selfie sticks more than anyone

His 6.5 million followers are all in junior high school. Source: My son is in 6th grade and him and all his dopey friends think pewdiepie is hilarious

Watch out..once you cross the bro army there's no escape..