Bobo out in the wild.

12  2015-10-16 by Dennyislife


I hope he gets more likes than Opie.

this is the greatest video ever. he's not very good at throwing at all

That had to be the saddest celebratory video I've ever seen

with the three little hits on the drum (or whatever) at the end

He tuckered himself all out at the end there.

Awww, sweet Bobo.

I'd love to see that go viral.

The average joe only gets one viral video. Bobo has had his

What kind of dog is Bister Baloodagin?

shanöudle. im dot loying.

The petering mumbled fade out of the last Mister Malloonigan is the best. Like the Jelly of the Month delivery guy in Christmas Vacation.


This has to go viral. The atmosphere is electric.

This bummed me out.

His poor neighbours. They are probably trying to get some sleep and can't yell at the mentally challenged man to be quiet.

I feel so sorry for the guy, but at the same time without all those brain cells most people have, churning out things like "rational thought", and "social cues", his lust for attention is so much more out in the open and I just can't take too much of him.

"Uhh hi I just wanted to say uhh I'd like to come on the show tomorrow..."

You could actually be talking about Opie here for the most part.

See, it's that exact combination of traits that makes him the perfect freak specimen for me: kind of pitiable but so transparently eager for attention that you can't feel too bad for him.

He's a good boy.

So is Opie going to send Bobo to any Mets games? I think it would be a great bit for the show to have the #1 Mets fan at the games interviewing people.

bobo told them to get to fuck as he feels Anthony is the better deal for him as he has house parties and shit

Is Anthony going to send him to the games?

Bobo is going with Colin Quinn and seinfeld

Oh that is good to hear. I bet he will have a great time and I look forward to seeing his videos at the game!!!

wonder how wasted he is

This is even sadder than baby seal clubbings.

The average joe only gets one viral video. Bobo has had his