Jimmy should get fat and funny again

52  2015-10-15 by [deleted]



Fatness isn't the problem. It's who he's surrounded with.

Well then fatness would be the problem....


Long time coming but finally got the gold I deserve so am outta here. Later faggits...

Additional Edit:

That gold place sucks a raised mole on Opie's left breast so I'm back where I belong in this cesspit of old cum stains and shit smeared walls.

Fat fucking tits


He should settle down, get married and have some kids. His comedy days are behind him. He needs to get off the road and get some stability in his life for the sake of his health. He's getting very old and all really he needs is a nice juicy pekah to suck.

The most sensible comment i've read so far, great advice.

You can't have kids with tranny hookers.

Great, his kids and Opie's kids can all skip their dads' funerals together to go to their high school graduation.

Also, Ant should grow any kind of facial hair. He looks like a fucking ghoul.

This would be a perfect look for him:



I agree. He looks like a zombie Italian grandmother.

He should have a drink and chill.

It kinda makes you wonder if all his problems are due to sobriety. Sometimes it's good to put a thick drug haze over your life.

Sometimes it's good to put a thick drug haze over your life.

Sometimes it really isn't

I'm not saying he should be a full blown alcoholic.

Just a taste maybe...just a taste

Just a 24 pack every Saturday.

no no no, not every Saturday

But when it works it really works


He has hobbies. Edging to tranny porn and having conversations with himself through his characters

And what...relapse into that one week in high school when he was a raging alcoholic?

James was just a lightweight. Crying and doing silly things after 4 bottles of Blue Moon. The fact he claims to be an alcoholic is a tad embarrassing.

he literally experience what everyone does when they first start getting wasted. he's so fucking stupid. eventually you learn your limits . u think when he got drunk he was a real homio and that's why he doesn't do it? I could see that

that clip of him talking about how tragic it would be if he relapsed and what a terrible drunk he is is the cringiest thing ive ever heard


It really is so fucking embarrassing.

I mean he's made it this far.. I think he should pull a Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.

agreed. 0&A&J collectively suck now

Self-Help-Guru-But-Still-Broken-And-Obsessive Jimmy really doesn't have a place in the industry or world.

This reminds of that Will Sasso sketch after he lost a bunch of weight.


He had a lot of good sketches on that show

In all seriousness, I think Jimmy now has realized how terrible a lot of his angst was and is as good as he's ever been.

I'd like to add that it's not really his fault he is left nothing to work with. The Stangels are terrible, Opie got rid of Sam because he was jealous of the chemistry, Trav-dawg is probably going to mysteriously get his own show soon. So you can't really blame him when all he has to work with is a humorless sociopath.

Jim has never sounded more despairing and anxiety-ridden than he does now.

If you mean he's not Angry Jimmy anymore, I don't hear it. He's become more unpleasant in a more socially acceptable way, like David Cross or Andy Kindler.

When he was Stanhope Lite he sounded like he was having a lot more fun.


Bitter, arrogant, and pompous has always been Jimmy he just used to be a lot funnier about it

"Stanhope Lite"


All of the anger and cynicism minus the intelligent social commentary.

i always loved how stanhope would just turn on his heel immediately and start attacking AA or other programs whenever jimmy would mention it. the man sticks to his guns no matter what his friends think.

Are you suggesting we try to raise a generation of super kids?

That's why he's banned

Intelligent social commentary? When have either of them given any sort of intelligent social commentary?

Watch any of Stanhope's specials or go to one of his shows, you'll see

Oh, ok. I'll check him out. Where can I find some of his stuff?


I'm not allowed to go to .ca sites.

Yeah I know. It's a whole persecution thing. Buncha fibbas

Netflix, youtube, you got the internet nigga

I'm part of the college aged douches and him defending the SJW horseshit is embarassing

Yeah when he did that on TACS it made me want to squeeze his little worm head. Most college kids don't think like that, it's just obnoxious losers with no real social life. It seems like he just believes what he reads and thinks he's picking up on some sort of generational/historical trend but he's really just an out of touch boob

FAT = Funny. That's why Justin Stangel is a riot

I'd settle for just funny...HIGH HOPES!

I like fat Jimmy better than old lesbian Jimmy

Jocktember should devote itself to getting Yimmy on the sauce again.

Eh, Jimmy is at that point where you already broke it off in your heart and mind, but you don't want to tell the girl because you hate making her cry. Instead, you just go through the motions and feel no emotion.

I agree he is obsessed w his appearance, with his little tight black shirts, preening when old friends come in looking for compliments. He sucks so hard, especially considering he was once one of the most original comics out there.

I'm sure I'll get shit for it like the last time I linked to it, but I still think its valid:


"Being in shape is one thing, but it's like when that becomes your thing...'wow, your body is great'...people lose interest in your comedy." -- Yimmy Norden

That still doesn't apply at all. He's thin, but that doesn't mean much. He only gets compliments in comparison to how fat he used to be. In that comment, he was talking about people like Russell Brand or Joe Piscopo in his bodybuilding days: comics who were more about being thought of as sexy than funny.

Do people consider Russell Brand physically attractive? I think he looks like a drowning ferrett.

yeah we all want to rim his hole here




It's like Jonah Hill. I've never laughed at in shape Jonah Hill, same with Jimmy. He just looks too clean. Part of Jim's appeal is his mollusk like appearance

Haha he looks like he's dying what are you talking about

Yeah but he looks like a sympathetic AIDS patient and not a disgusting fat mess which is infinitely more funny

It don't know if it was the weight loss or what, but man did he suddenly get very old looking very quick. Wtf happened.

I'm not saying he should get fat again, but he might want to add just a tad of padding back. He honestly looks sick now.

He shouldn't get fat again.

Yeah but he looks like a sympathetic AIDS patient and not a disgusting fat mess which is infinitely more funny