How Opie really feels about the #cakestomp.

6  2015-10-15 by monkdick


Nice cutoff, asshole.

Thanks. Cut out Bobby Kelly laughing and agreeing because of Greggshells. Clip is still genuine, asshole.

Ok cool, but we don't actually give a fuck about stupid Andrew and his cake. The point was to make SJWs care. Honestly the whole thing at this point is super old IMO and played out. I'm "all out" with #cakestomp

I could give a fuck about ANdrew and his cake.

Found this listening to an old show, posted it here to be shared on twitter with the SJW cunts. I think most SJWs with their fake outrage would like to hear how Opie feels. When you've got a better angle for jocktober, please post it.

Found this listening to an old show, posted it here to be shared on twitter with the SJW cunts. I think most SJWs with their fake outrage would like to hear how Opie feels. When you've got a better angle for jocktober, please post it.

While I agree with you 100% on this angle, etc, it might not be in the best interests to try to win the favor of the SJWs, a group that doesn't like trans people, they LOVE them, with tits photoshopped onto Tits.

Not that I disagree with the photoshop.

To be honest I was just clipping the audio and hoping someone better with video could make something useful of it. Agree about SJW trans sympathizers, shoulda just posted Opie's stupid face.

Nah it wasn't a gripe, just a statement man. I hope I didn't come off as too much of a crowing, screeching hen.

Not at all. Appreciate the feedback. Need to repackage somehow or just dump it. Maybe cakestomp is dead. I hate to see Jocktober end though.

Got one, not do it, it's lame


Can't be any worse than cakestomp, and I don't think it takes much to upset the greggshells.

Must be new here. When cakestomp originally came out, there was a huge outrage on reddit. Everyone on this subreddit thought that shit was stupid and pathetic. The point of cakestomp in 2015 is to use that SJW rage against Opie again. If this has turned into you actually BECOMING a SJW for the cakestomp cause, you're in the wrong place bub

lol new here. Not sure if you are trolling or stupid.

You're a moron, so I will explain it for you. I made the video, like an SJW would do. Pretending I was outraged, so real SJWs could share the video. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

No. You clearly just said you give a fuck about cakestomp. Don't try to backtrack and pretend you posted this so that it could be sent to SJWs. Nothing about the way you presented it says that.

I will agree that my presentation was poor, could have used a better title, or instructions on what to do with the video for morons like you. But I also thought that I might appear to be brigading if I did that. Your comprehension skills are severly lacking if you think I said I give a fuck about cakestomp. Scroll up and reread, stupid. Or click my username and read my history. I'm convinced you're retarded or off your meds. Is English your first language?

I could give a fuck about ANdrew and his cake

I think you meant to say not then

Look at the brain on /u/braunheiser.

Why don't you use your own and write your sentences correctly?

The slang use of could give a fuck or not give a fuck are both correct as I see it. Anyway can we agree that it could have been presented better and maybe since you are so critical could take the audio and present it in a better format yourself. It could be useful. I appreciate the streams you've been posting lately, even though I'd never listen, you do contribute to the sub. So can we both agree we hate tits and try to work together here. THanks for the critique.

Fair enough. I think most people around here would disagree with me on it anyways lately to be honest, and I forgot how small the community is here. Mostly just fucking around and keeping the bickering going because people are good at talking shit here, you included. C ya around man no hard feelings at all

Yea don't take me calling ya stupid personally, lol. Keep contributing.