Opie makes fun of Bobs weight. Bob brings up fans trying to stop celebs coming in.

37  2015-10-14 by Lilcumia


Opie repeats his fat "joke" several times. Bobby makes a comment about Opie's jeans and it's instantly "Whooooa, c'mon"... The Opester can trade punches with the best of them

And it's not even a fully formed joke or line! He just keeps saying "squeeze"

It's because that's what he thinks is "work" and "entertaining to an audience", because this is the point Ant would usually say something funny and they'd all laugh and Opie in his mind would take credit for it.


Opie can't trade punches with the worst of them.

He wishes he had Bobo's chops

"My biggest fear is you promoting something for me"

-- there's always some truth in jest but that says it all about the lack of the regular comedian crew being around.

Dumb fuck Opie didn't even hear the joke.


Go back and listen and you notice that the self-obsessed dicknose literally doesn't even hear Bobby talking, he's just babbling over him.

"What? They mean well... They MEAN WELL Bobby... You know they.. they mean well... they mean well Bobby"

The fact that this sack of shit gets to interview anyone is the definition of travesty.

God, is this the show now? Where 4 overweight people joke about pants size and then apologize? Opie's so desperate not to lose anyone he even pulls his "plug-the-guest" move. I couldn't make it any farther than that but I'm assuming they blew each other after the break? What a castrated wreck that studio is.

Tits changed the fuckin subject pretty fast.

20 years of radio experience. 0 years of thick skin experience.

More like 40 years. How old is this "Child of the 80s" again? He's like 60 right?

well if the bald opie pics are anywhere near accurate, i would say early 60s

He's 54

It sounds like Bobby is just saying he (Bobby himself) is blocking fans on Twitter after doing the show because of the onslaught of fat jokes.

Not everybody knows every detail of this subreddit, dude.

Yeah, that's pretty clearly what he intended. "Blocking" has a very specific meaning in the context of Twitter. No one uses it to mean "keeping people off the show."

This. Bobby frequently brings up the fact that he ends up blocking people every time he does the show because of all the fat jokes and shit.

Another reason to love Bob Kelly. A funny guy with a lot to say who is not a sensitive fat idiot. DUUUDE MY KIDS DAUUUUUUUUUUUUEDE

Bobby is a saucy little devil.

Tsss...YEAH like BBQ saurce on his chicken or sumpthin

Wow, I've never heard Opie & Jim. That was painful. Poor Jimmy. How doe he do it? the money, I guess.

Little Boy Blue....

Old men complaining about twitter again. That's new.




Tsss...what are those lie coordinates or sumpthin like I'm lost but have a map or sumpthin

Faaaawk yea!!

Bill Burr mentioned at one point last year he had a serious discussion with a friend about his weight. I wonder if it was Bobby. I have no idea, just wine-fueled speculation based on a hazy memory about two people I don't know personally.

Wine? I assumed this sub would be full of neckbeards that own a bottle of Everclear but never drink it out of fear you might throw up on your keyboard.

Does it matter that the bottle was $3.99?

Enjoy that headache.

I'm all good. Didn't even need coffee. I only drink the finest of $4 wines.

2 buck chuck

Don't have them where I live. Grocery stores can't sell wine. :(

Why? I have a pretty strong suspicion this sub is full of alcoholics.

hear hear


I found it interesting when Piers Morgan called in. Whatever your opinion of the man, he is bombarded with 'cyberviolence' and takes it in stride. Opie can barely handle a small jab from a longtime guest.

He should be bombarded with actual violence.

He'll always be the sleazy UK tabloid editor--those guys can't take anything personally.

You can hear the panic in Opies voice. Anytime this subject comes up, he immediately tries to change the subject. The sad thing is that it's not even subtle, and he makes everyone in the room uncomfortable.

I believe that is Bobby talking about having to block fans for calling him fat on Twitter.

Not referencing fans trying to stop celebs from coming in. Grasping at straws idiot.

God you stupid Americans it's 'HERBAL' with a H. H-E-R-B NOT E-R-B

Eat my American asshole.

You're on an American website, talking to Americans about an American show. Take your pussy ass accent somewhere else faggot, it's pronounced "erbal". Accept it or spend your time on whatever inferior version of Reddit your small, pansy ass country has.


oh oh please don't shoot me mr angry proud American! Thankfully I can walk outside and go to school without getting shot

I hope you're raped by a refugee.

hes a 12 year old (judging by his wrestling obsession. another american product, shocker) from aussie so hes more likely to be raped by aborigines with a didgeridoo.

no more whites in oceania! asia for asians!


Why? Because in the midst of one of the greatest humanitarian crisis million and millions of people fleeing from murder trying to stay alive, countries all around let refugees in. mothers, fathers and children all saved from sure death. Yet America, THE GREWT LAND OF AMERICA, what does she do? 350 million people and one of the largest land masses in the world and they won't accept any refugees? While other smaller countries accept millions, good on ya 'Murcia! Go start a war again and ask everyone else for help but when others need help you don't do shit, stupid rednecks

Hahah, the refugee line sure got to this lil faggots butthole alright. You just lost.

Keep shitposting and obsessing over us while I never think about you or your country again.

You sound like a complete faggot.

Hey asshole, we've had an open door policy for immigrants and migrants for the last ~200 years. Just ask the Italians, Irish, Greeks, Germans, Spanish, Chinese, Middle Easterners and all Hispanics.

Maybe now it's your turn to pick up the slack?

And lol at the "start another war" line. We didn't ask for your help - we told you that "you're either with us or against us." Your country fell in line - as it should have.

Your natural reaction is to play the victim and tell us how scared you are of overblown violence. I don't even need to keep going, you're digging your own grave for me.

its called regional dialect. i forgot aussies speak PERFECT english. What an egocentric shit.

Right on. Aussies lecturing anyone on the English language is laughable. American English is its own variant, as is their abomination of a dialect.

You're a twat (long a pronunciation)

Coming from someone that puts an R at the end of "Idea"

Go eat your hat, sir.

