The Shift in Hate

0  2015-10-14 by AlcoholicA1

this board is funny. the hate changes every few months.. i wonder who we'll hate next? you? him? me? i dunno im just riffin cawksucka


i dunno im just riffin cawksucka

tsss fawkin' good one. hope you die tomorrow.

Why wait?


Everyone gets their turn but Opie hate is what keeps this sub alive.

And gay sex

Basically anything that comes in proximity to Opie. I never felt any strong opinion about Florentine until Tits had him in almost every day for a while there. Then I started to hate him. I never minded Florentine in small doses but his "manly" thing got old super quick.

I didn't even know who Sherrod was before he started doing Tits show but now I hope he and his kids die. Opie just makes you hate things.

We fucking hate everyone, and you mentioned the main subjects of this sub, but what you (and Opie and Ant) fail to realize is we go after each other just as much if not worse.

No other board I ever been on have I been called the things I have, I even got compared to Opie yesterday, which hurt very much.

No one is exempt here.

This boards very existence is hate, if everything became harmony and unicorns then we would end up as delusional as r/feminism.

i was actually sarcastically pointing it out you dolt.. lol, i could care less

I seemed to have missed it, or you failed to fucking convey it in such a way.

No, you're just an oblivious cunt

No you are just an inarticulate cunt bag.


"im just riffin cawksucka" .. yeah i was totally being serious lmfao

I did see the dunderhead post you deleted, just sayin. :-D


I deleted it because my other post clarified better

Damn shame, I am a fucking dunderhead. Your ok alchy. I will let you come over to my apartment and fuck my wife Lynsi.

Even Benjamin has been getting upvotes lately.

Any upvotes i get are obviously just alt accounts, right sir?


I hope our hate swings towards some twitter superfans next -- for both Opie and Anthony.



Every few months? Fuck, a week ago this sub was convinced that they had Opie close to being fired.


I deleted it because my other post clarified better