My ex that's going to "Comedy School" posted this. Comedy is dead folks.

30  2015-10-14 by spudsboobies


Not using racist jokes or offensive humor is one thing (and it's okay), but WHY do people like this have to be language police to everyone else?

because nigger faggots

Was that a Louis C.K. impression?


I'm to the point that I'm more on the side of Russia I think.

Tsss....Tsss...da comrade or sumpthin

Committing a thought crime will get you sent to the ministry of love.

They think that the weak-minded masses can't handle hearing racist jokes without becoming racists, and it's their job to ensure they're protected from it in the interest of engineering an "equitable" culture.

That's why they can never go toe-to-toe with comics when they logically break down their jokes. It's not about whether the joke is actually racist or not; it's about narratives and culture, which means that everything must be crafted so that no racist implications can be possibly inferred from it, even unintentionally.

This video is total bullshit. Her entire argument is based off the idea that "Racist jokes make you racist", or specifically, "Racist jokes remove peoples inhibitions regarding marginalised groups, therefore making it easier for them to justify discrimination against those groups."

I've heard this idea before, and as is often the case in sociology, the science behind the study is complete garbage

First of all, the study wasn't done with racism, it was done with homophobia, the woman in the video above just assumed that the same principles worked for both forms of discrimination because if you look at her other videos literally every video she makes is about racism. In that study they got a group of people, gave them all a questionnaire to determine which people were homophobic and which ones were non homophobic. Then they told them all a variety of homophobic jokes. Then they gave them all a task where the test subjects had to decide which university organisations should receive budget cuts. Surprise surprise, the homophobic people thought the LGBT organisations should get budget cuts, and the non homophobes thought the LGBT organisations shouldn't get budget cuts. Therefore, they came to the conclusion that it was the jokes that made the people we've already established as homophobes, act homophobic, and that the jokes had no effect on non homophobic people.

So in basic terms, heres the train of thought of the dipshits running the study as well as any other person citing the study like the dumbass in this video.

"Homophobic people say homophobic things after hearing homophobic jokes. This is proof that homophobic jokes make you homophobic, even though we already know that the people in question were openly homophobic before hearing those jokes in the first place. The fact that non homophobic people remained non homophobic even after being exposed to offensive jokes basically destroys the bullshit conclusion we're trying to push, so please ignore it."


What's weird is she used the example of Sarah Silverman in black face. Which is weird because it's not a thing that was a big controversy as far as I can remember &, for real, who is more on their side than Sarah Silverman??

Anyway, I actually remember the episode of the "Sarah Silverman program" that it happened cuz it was really funny (probably 10 years ago). She wants to prove that blacks have it easier so she goes in black face. Everyone is horrified & treats her like shit because she's in black face but she thinks it's how black people are always treated. So she learns about racism.

"30 Rock" did a similar episode with Jenna & Tracy arguing who has it worse, blacks or women, and Tracy goes around as a white Woman/Jenna as a black man, both in horrific make-up. People treat them differently cuz of the bad make up but they think it's the experience of living as one another.

And both of those examples you mentioned are great examples of how racial humour can be funny. The woman in the video mentioned that theres a distinction between racial humour and racist humour as well, but she didn't really go into detail about what "racial humour" is in her opinion, she just explained that jokes implying black people are criminals are offensive (what a novel concept, she is truly a philosopher for our time).

She also mentioned in the video that, in her words, 'ironic' racial humour is also unacceptable. Why? Who knows? She didn't even bother pretending theres reason to believe that 'ironic' racial humour promotes actual racism. And i've seen her type before, she'll probably write off any race related joke she dislikes as "ironic racist humour" and justify any race related joke she does like as "racial humour". Her railing against ironic racial humour is basically her way of justifying getting upset over jokes that there is no rational reason to be upset by.

Also she uttered the classic phrase "its not your job to educate", which basically renders the whole "i'm a compassionate person fighting for civil rights!" argument null and void; because if you truly cared about changing the attitudes of society for the better then your number one priority would be educating people. Especially since in this day and age educating someone is as simple and effortless as forwarding a link, and if you manage to change someone's opinion, that person will then go on to change the opinions of others, who will then change the opinions of even more people, and basically you'll be making a lot of progress changing society to the way you want it to be with very little effort.

But no, these people don't care about that, they just want an outlet for their own insecurities and aggressions (This person made a racist joke! That means they're an awful person and therefore I can berate, insult and threaten them guilt free!) as well as a chance to score social brownie points by letting everyone within earshot know that "I have the CORRECT opinion! See everybody?! We all agree racism is bad, right? Well i'm SO anti-racism that I have an aneurysm every time I hear something as mild as a racial joke! LOOK AT ME! BASK IN MY COMPASSIONATE GLOW! GIVE ME MY PRECIOUS VALIDATION!"

I'm ranting again but fuck, people like her are really starting to get under my skin. It baffles me that they can take a message as simple and agreeable as "Racism is bad" and STILL manage to fuck up the delivery of that message with paper thin selfish intentions, hypocrisies, and just blatant flat out lies.

There are people that just don't get humor. they just don't.

I remember Kurt ranting about the phrase "punching up" asking "why do they see humor as punching? It's tickling". Some people don't get that you can make fun of something and not only not hate it, but still like it but just making a joke.

Then I remembered as a little kid I thought the same thing. I remember when Wayne's World came out & they had the Bohemien Rhapsody scene, I thought they were calling out that song for being shit & the joke was how bad that song sucked. Then Bohemien Rhapsody had a resurgence & became a hit again & it made no sense to me. When I asked my brother why he said "no you idiot, they really like the song" & it blew my mind.

So I think what's going on with people like the woman in the video is actually a really childish view of comedy & humor. But I do think people like that aren't the majority

She also mentioned in the video that, in her words, 'ironic' racial humour is also unacceptable. Why?

She probably (stupidly) thinks that the joke will have collateral damage in people who don't get it and just take it as an endorsement of racism.

I assume she is ok with non-whites making racist jokes.

According to the same series of videos non-whites cannot be racist.

thanks for digging this up. I may be turning Russian too.

That argument is always hilarious. They should tell Koreans who own stores in black neighborhoods that they're incapable of being racist. It should really take a load off their minds.

That video was absolutely fine except for the dork voice, until... reverse racism or whatever. Shit fell way off the mark then and started moving goalpost.

Really? You think race is just a social construct that has no biological basis?

I didn't say I agreed. I said it was fine.

Anyone see her top comment? She had a "racist-o-meter" graphic with "Hitler" as the most racist value. She apologises for it citing complaints. Someone emailed her about it and she put it on her blog:

Personally I will never forgive her for being insensitive about the holocaust. As jurassic-parkinsons puts it, the Holocaust was bad.

Personally I will never forgive her for being insensitive about the holocaust. As Joe Derosa puts it, the Holocaust wasn't real.


as Joe Derosa put it, the Holocaust was the best achievement of the 20th century.


The thing is, putting Hitler at the top of a "potential racism" chart makes perfect sense and is easily defensible, but that's not how campus logic works. If someone who saw it felt a certain way, their feelings are what counts, not any argument for or against.

You don't think the holocaust was bad? smh

The thing about "campus logic" is that it's really used by professors with no real "industry experience" and people sucking the professor's dick, both literally and figuratively. Most people on campus aren't like this. It's mainly the top tier of the posh assholes who don't have anything else to worry about. And in their world, avoiding "ablist" (sp?) language is one of the biggest concerns they have. They literally do nothing but read abstract bullshit and write shit no one will ever read all day. And they suck to hang out with.

who gives a fuck

^ This is why we need feminism. Someone disagreed with or is indifferent towards a feminist. Disgusting behavior.

sites like this and pretty much everything on posted to r/TumblrinAction why I refuse to align myself with feminists..they are worse than the Christian right.

Thank You!

When the article starts off with this at the top:

Editor’s Note: This video uses the word “dumb” in an ableist way. While we love the humorous and helpful content of the video, we know that ableist language is harmful and we hope that as more and more people learn why, we will collectively erase this language from our vocabulary forever.

You know you're in for a real treat.

I couldn't even get through that before I bailed in disgust

How do these people even leave the house in the morning? Or do they? I only ever seen them on the internet.

Lol at someone going to school to learn comedy

"Those who can do, and those who can't teach"

"Learn comedy". That doesn't even make sense to me, what the fuck would they be teaching?

I did a comedy workshop once (I know, I'm a faggot) and most of the stuff they talked about was more on the business side. Useful, though kind of obvious, info.

You're right, you are a faggot.

The whole comedy workshop? I bet you couldn't sit for a week!

I don't know about sitting, but I know I could hold the mic with more than my hands by the end of it.

Oh, you made me click it, you fucker.

Right off the bat : So you're at a party and someone tells a racist joke and that guy from the ghetto is a cop HAHAHAHA. Implying all white cops are racist. Not cool, lady.

I've heard of comedy improv classes but what the hell is a comedy school?

Ask Vos, I believe he was paid a couple grand to go to one and teach the students about funny.

Thank you for putting "" in my history. You totally couldn't have linked directly to the video.

I touched myself inappropriately the whole time I was on that page.

Tuggin ur Peckah!!

tss THATS fukkin HILLAREUS!!

Bitch looks like Paul Mooney.

Are you implying that all black people look alike... because I pretty much agree.

The fuck is this?

General nonsense from some humorless snowflake

I would rather watch the Stangels 69 each other than sit through that

I couldn't make it through the whole video, the disclaimer at the top made me think it was a parody at first. It's just unreal.

I couldn't either

Why are you following your ex?

To laugh and learn about my privelage

More importantly why were you dating a shit skin? Was it for some sort of court mandated outreach program for minorities?

You made me choke on air trying not to laugh

How big is her cock?

What a fuckin nigger

Every single link to other articles on this page mentions white people.

I'm sure all those big brave "tell it like it is/standing up to the man" comedians will really go to town an tell these PC cunts what absolute shit they are, right?

Why didn't you bite her clit off like Patrick Bateman?

What an annoying bitch.

I hope you didn't get aids from that black guy you were fucking.

There's no amount of money you could pay me to watch that

I'm not sweating the inclinations of someone going to Comedy School

Your ex deserves the Ariel Castro treatment.

I can tell if I watch that I'm just going to get angry,dwell on it, assume all teens,20 year olds, and minorities feel the same way for a week. Not clicking it. Nope.

I jumped through a few links to get my rageboner up, and I found this treat: "If you routinely use disability slurs, you are adding to a narrative that says that disabled people are wrong, broken, dangerous, pitiful, and tragic."

Some of those are fair complaints, but isn't "broken" almost synonymous with "disabled"?

Isn't it as bad just saying there is a narrative that disabled people are wrong, broken, dangerous, pitiful, and tragic?

It's like heckling a comic who has a joke involving disability and saying they're contributing to the idea disabled people are "wrong". It adds to the association the same way they argue jokes do.

If I roll up to a comedy club and the comedian riffs on my cripple legs, I'm just part of the crowd. The last thing I want is Francesca saying that everyone laughing thinks I'm worthless.

That nigger retarded.



Holy fuck, I wish I didn't click that.

They are just setting up society for the next counter-cultural movement and it won't look pretty.

This hurt my soul.

I forgot about this website. Thanks for reminding me OP, you heartless ableist son of a bitch.

Fa ha ha huck that

I only clicked around on this video (it was as much as i could handle, the hypocrisy) but heard her say "jokes come in all shapes, sizes, and in this case colors." Umm Racist!! The next click was her talking about "those people" referring to the pronunciation of .gif. Umm discriminatory. The final click was the browser window

This cunt is fucking retarded.

There's a "feminist" from my high school who is now pushing for bring babies under 6 months old to work. These people are brain damaged.

I'd rather take comedy lessons from funny people thanks.

She spent the entire video explaining how racist jokes reinforce negative stereotypes and are not funny.

The video ends with her saying, "Last week we asked you, what are some things white people take for granted?" Her followers sent in "humorous" responses.

So, racist jokes are only OK if targeted at white people because white people are the oppressors. Got it.

This video is such hypocritical bullshit.

What you fucking marks who complain about this niche social justice shit is there are at least many people reacting like "fuck this p.c. bullshit" as there are people eating it up.

You are essentially getting worked by heels. It's embarassing. Comedy isn't dead. Don't be a faggot.

You can look a multitude of current standup specials on netflix and everything isn't lame trigger free bullshit. Not at all. Quit whining like dorks and just support comedians who continue to not buy into that shit. There really are plenty of em.


Even Colin Quinn has said you can say whatever you want as long as it's funny.

And both of those examples you mentioned are great examples of how racial humour can be funny. The woman in the video mentioned that theres a distinction between racial humour and racist humour as well, but she didn't really go into detail about what "racial humour" is in her opinion, she just explained that jokes implying black people are criminals are offensive (what a novel concept, she is truly a philosopher for our time).

She also mentioned in the video that, in her words, 'ironic' racial humour is also unacceptable. Why? Who knows? She didn't even bother pretending theres reason to believe that 'ironic' racial humour promotes actual racism. And i've seen her type before, she'll probably write off any race related joke she dislikes as "ironic racist humour" and justify any race related joke she does like as "racial humour". Her railing against ironic racial humour is basically her way of justifying getting upset over jokes that there is no rational reason to be upset by.

Also she uttered the classic phrase "its not your job to educate", which basically renders the whole "i'm a compassionate person fighting for civil rights!" argument null and void; because if you truly cared about changing the attitudes of society for the better then your number one priority would be educating people. Especially since in this day and age educating someone is as simple and effortless as forwarding a link, and if you manage to change someone's opinion, that person will then go on to change the opinions of others, who will then change the opinions of even more people, and basically you'll be making a lot of progress changing society to the way you want it to be with very little effort.

But no, these people don't care about that, they just want an outlet for their own insecurities and aggressions (This person made a racist joke! That means they're an awful person and therefore I can berate, insult and threaten them guilt free!) as well as a chance to score social brownie points by letting everyone within earshot know that "I have the CORRECT opinion! See everybody?! We all agree racism is bad, right? Well i'm SO anti-racism that I have an aneurysm every time I hear something as mild as a racial joke! LOOK AT ME! BASK IN MY COMPASSIONATE GLOW! GIVE ME MY PRECIOUS VALIDATION!"

I'm ranting again but fuck, people like her are really starting to get under my skin. It baffles me that they can take a message as simple and agreeable as "Racism is bad" and STILL manage to fuck up the delivery of that message with paper thin selfish intentions, hypocrisies, and just blatant flat out lies.