Oh Lady Di

20  2015-10-14 by Dennyislife


Still pretty smart for a water buffaler

What does that even mean?

If you want me up in the studio opie you're going to have to send someone OK

Where did you learn to speak retard?

You alright. I learned it by watching you.

She even sorta has the slang down. "If you want me up in the studio" all up in it like a peckah

Ahhhh... thank you

What kind of lazy 'guy' is he?

That the stroke is imminent.

Lady di will be dead within the next year- is what we've been saying for 10 years.

She really is the Rasputin of the Opie And Anthony show, isn't she?

haha! for sure dude.

How is this thing still alive?

My guess is she's a zombie. It would explain why she smells like a rotting corpse.

Oh no no no I'm not a zombie

tss I wish she would just Di already or sumpthin.

Home. Run. Chippah.

Lady Di talks into her phone rather than types. With so many natty ices in her it's amazing how well the phone understands her

Yeah I bet she drinks a thousand natty ices a day right out of a big garbage can!

Oh no no no I don't etc etc etc...

Too drunk to see those two ii's in OpieRadio as well - Opiieradio... who here does this belong to.

It was mine but it got suspended about a week ago

That's horseshit, I remember she took the bait a couple of times right? It was pretty cool.

Serious question; If/when she dies, will you guys just laugh and let her death become "just a part of the show?"

I understand how there's a disconnect, but Christ man shes pretty much a terminally ill person that Opie exploited for a radio show.

I liked a lot of her appearances on O&A, but most just make me feel bad for her.

Haha, you still have a soul! Gay

SHE has been offered HELP and refused ALL of it. It is not my LIFE, so why should I CARE?

Beyond the passing JOKE, she is an ANNOYING self-centered PIGGY. I cannot feel bad for her.

What the fuck...I guess PAWS for the CAUSE doesn't extend to HOOVED mammals.

Hoofed animals don't have paws.

Holy FUCK. just LET it DIE in ignominy.

I really doubt anyone will think its funny, but her issues were never caused by the show. Were they encouraged? Maybe at one point but they've tried to give her help and it seems they're just sick of her at this point.

It would be truly tragic if she made some sort of effort to end the bad behaviour. But her death will mainly be met mainly with ambivalence, not with sociopathic amusement

When she dies we move onto her son.

How bad does your life suck? It has to really suck bad for you to take it out on an old drunk who's not even all there in the head. Congratulations on such a crappy life, bud. I'm sure you worked really hard to get where you are at.

Keep on grafting away trying to get sense into her sozzled head Sir.

I will feel definitely sad when she dies, but I will also feel disappointment and frustration that she made absolutely no effort to get help.

I'd be sad because she so much fun to make fun of. Her obliviousness to me is hilarious and my favorite O&A/O&J segments have been when the boys are teasing her. Marion on the other hand, yuck.

I'll feel bad that she's dead, but I'll never feel sympathy for her.

I'd be sad if she died, but not at all surprised. She's refused all help that she obviously needs. She's just going to pump more Natty Ices into herself until she keels over. :(

Boe jarnes is such a faggot

lady di ignoring the white knight is pretty solid work by her though. Even a mess like her doesn't fall for it.

Heyyyy, it's Mr. Cool Guy. Cool guy words for a cool guy. Somebody get this cool guy a beer.

Well you were being sorta a faggot

If that's what you call it, I'll gladly hold that title. Thank you, ma'am.


WOOOSH this guy is a real tough customer, i better be careful

Nooo, you're way tougher than me. You've proven it. You're THE Alpha Male, my apologies for my previous comment. Continue your daily life of being a troll on reddit.

So whose picking her up?

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson

Sounds like she was having a stroke when she wrote that.


2015-10-13 21:00:22 UTC

@Opiieradio if you want me up in the studio open you're going to have to study somebody okay.

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haha! for sure dude.