Jesse v. Kenny ... no weapons

0  2015-10-14 by Gooblenook

Who wins?


Honestly I think Jesse is very frail these days. Probably too many bumps to the head and body abuse during his wrestling days, he seems retarded, soft and has these weird consistent body movements like he has Parkinson's.

He does look AIDSY.

Off topic but related, Shwarzenegger looks horrendous.

You shwarzed a what now



Opie's Job is easy. sniff

negger please


Mutually Assured Downsyndrome.

Retard strength will decide.

A draw.

Jesse with Thermite Paint in the library

Jesse hands down.

Kenny has retard strength and probably doesn't understand or feel pain. Unless Jesse can get his buddy, the Predator, on his side, I think Kenny takes him.

I aint got time to bleed

Now? Whoever's knees hold out longer.

Kenny's a great big puss. Most of us would kick his old ass. He's a top heavy dummy. He could be crippled for life with minimal effort.

Kenny has never won a fair fight in his life. He's a pathetic oaf who believes his own bullshit.

isnt he a black belt? what are you basing all of this on?

Kenny doesn't act like the type of dude who wins fights. He acts like the type of guy who built a house of cards of intimidation.

He just isn't the type of guy to legitimately fight someone. I guarantee every fight started with a sucker punch by him.

And you are parroting jim. Who fully believes the myth of Kenny being a tough guy. And all he has ever saw is Kenny be intimidating.

Pussy ain't shit without his badge or gun and he knows it.

so he isnt a black belt?

Doubtful. And besides, black belts don't necessarily mean shit. Strip mall tough guy learned alongside 8 year olds.

They both gots huge pekkas, so we all win.


Might be a long shot, but the navy seal gets my vote.

Master Po- and he doesn't even have to be in the room!


Ventura looks like a dying ted nugent


Nobody cares about your butt fuckin army days.

Let me start by saying "Thank you for your service"... Many volunteered for shit you think is stupid, but luckily we had courageous men stay at home, make sure the reddit boards are commented. The true heroes often get lost, we should always remember them. Thank god you kept reddit alive... My gay ass-sex in the military was a good time, lest we not forget those who raged war with their keyboards? Go fuck yourself dude, i tried a funny comment, failed, my bad bro?

Jesse would've stomped a mud hole in Kennys ass back in the day! I don't think that Seal training ever leaves you. But now Jesse wouldn't stand a chance against Kenny. Come to think of it, anyone could probably drop Jesse with a kick to the knee or a punch to the back. If he's anyone like the majority of the wrestlers, he probably has bad knees, hips, ankles, neck & back. Or his body could be 50% Teflon from having so many bones & joints replaced. The sad part is probably the healthiest wrestler. Other wrestlers probably look at him as a success story & the guy they want to be.


The Body, all the way. He'd piledrive Kenny's dumb head right into the ground where it belongs.

Pile drive Kenny? He can't even walk right. Didnt you people learn anything from Karate Kid 3? Terry Silver taught that pussy Daniel some techniques he called "The quicksilver method." Rule #1. "If a man can't stand, he can't fight!"

He does look AIDSY.

Off topic but related, Shwarzenegger looks horrendous.



Opie's Job is easy. sniff
