How do you think Jim realllly feels about Opie's constant uninformed sports talk? (first five seconds)

1  2015-10-13 by FunkyTreasure


Opie can suck a cawk but I don't think Jimmy cares. Probably prefers his obliviousness if anything. The problem is when a bunch of faggots argue and scream about shit on those shows, which is 100% of what all they do. Just queebs trying to prove their masculinity by implying their sports knowledge makes them masculine. Either arguing or agreeing about "Yeah dis is what dey need to do" which thankfully you never hear from clueless tits.

Jim doesn't know shit about sports either. To be fair, when Ant was there it would be three people who know nothing about sports.

I'm so happy I haven't heard any of it. Jimmy just comes off as someone that used to pay attention but lost interest, which isnt that bad, but Opie being a fan of the entire AFC east because its where he did rahdioooo and he takes a peak at florentines dolphins but still pretends he knows anything is pretty angering.

Their sports talk sounds familiar.

I love how pissed people get when they talk about sports. It shocks me that we can have a show that is all dudes and none of them have any idea about sports and talk so little about it. You faggots have no problem talking about twitter trends everyday but god forbid they talk about the baseball playoffs.

Todays sports talk was 3 guys acting like they are big sports fans but they really aren't. Half an hour of sports talk and they didn't even say anything!

I don't mind sports talk if it is interesting, entertaining, or informative. 3 guys having awkward watercooler convo is not what anyone wants to hear. There was 2 times that I thought my player and froze because the silence lasted so long.

I think what I meant was that how can we have a room full of guys that have such little knowledge of sports and expect them to be able to give an opinion that will represent the male audience properly. Normal guys talk about sports all the time. It is weird to have a room full of dudes rarely talk about it, and even weirder that people get mad when they do.

Calm down! Nobody told you that you can't listen to Opie & Jim for sports updates. I loved when the Sandusky thing happened & Opie asked if Penn State is "one of the more heard of teams". And Jimmy thinks the Dallas Cowboys are still coached by Tom Landry.

Jimmy is a big fan of Tony Romo.