Louis CK comedy genius?

0  2015-10-12 by [deleted]

Louie is not funny and is ridiculously UGLY. Not funny ugly, simply hurtful to look at ugly. Don't take my word for it: he says it himself. He's another low brow dipshit comedian like Bill Burr. Bill Burr needs to realize CONSTANTLY SHOUTING in a heavy Boston accent and going on mindless rants isn't funny. I'd rather listen to the silverback gorrila he calls a wife do comedy. At least she could jump around on stage and make funny grunting noises that would blow his shitty set out of the water. They all smell different. Strongly of an earthy soily smell. And often their breath was like cabbages. You couldn’t help noticing blacks seemed to move differently to Whites, had different postures, different expressiveness and responses to their environment. Their voices were louder and deeper, and their street language seemed to reflect something about their physical self. They seemed unable to hold conversations with all but the lowest intelligent Whites, who seemed to admire them for their free access to violence. They were preoccupied with petty things, and utterly indifferent to the world beyond. And of course they looked extremely different. To put it simply they looked, at a fresh unbiased glance, decisively primitive. Some of them extremely so. It was difficult to imagine how we were ‘all the same’ against what I actually saw. In general they seemed to share characteristics with other primates, with flattened noses and dark skin. Some of them strongly resembled gorillas. Some of them moved liked gorillas with a lumbering sway. Wherever bIacks were in abundance there was a sense of threat. BIacks couldn’t seem to restrain themselves or see a need to, and there seemed to be some strong connection with the way bIacks looked and how they behaved. Later on, I kept noticing bIacks in the street had a habit of looking behind themselves all the time, as if to spot danger. This reminded me of wild animals, and I recall films of monkeys doing the same. I would notice older (probably original immigrant) black women on the bus, rotate their head to the side and kind of slump it on their neck to stare. Later on I would see gorillas in wildlife videos make the same kinetic gesture to the camera. I would see gorillas and chimps rub their heads vigorously. I would see bIacks do the same. BIacks had an explicit non-verbal vocabulary of sounds, like kissing or sucking air through their teeth or grunting to express displeasure. Later I would become acutely aware of bIacks spitting in the street. BIacks apparently had a collection of non-verbal communication. When bIacks were alone, they had a reflective mode, where they would talk about some incident (often violence), or otherwise anti-social behaviour, and would try to understand something (usually some aspect of their own state) amongst each other. Much later, I would recognise that inter-black conversations were nearly always about a prior violent interaction, poor behaviour and rarely much else. And I would notice bIacks often had an intense look on their face even when they were doing something relatively simple, a kind of mixture of indignant and effort. It was as if it took all of their concentration. You see this look on the face of black athletes. I noticed a lot of bIacks had an open mouth at rest and they held their mouths and heads differently. An open mouth (gape) is a notoriously a symbol of low intelligence/low culture.

Back to Louis Ck and his God awful show

Alas, the more important stuff. First episode: he is telling a joke to an audience. It goes something like "Blah, blah, blah (laughs), Blah, blah, blah (laughs)". Suddenly, he comes out with the way people are dying in Africa (laughs), how that it's happening when there are people driving big cars around (laughs), and how he himself is one of those people (laughs) who could simply sell his car for 10000 dollars (laughs), get a more little one (laughs) and give that money to the people starving to death in Africa (laughs). Not sure if you get what my problem is here. Let me explain: firstly, I can't understand how anybody (except for a bunch of selfish, egocentric individuals) could laugh when they hear a person saying that people are right now starving to death. Where is the joke there? Secondly, anybody who makes a joke out of that and how he is supporting that happening can't be anything but part of that bunch of selfish, egocentric individuals. Is that not a bit disturbing?

That makes me think of those people who go around saying that you just have to laugh at everything, take everything as a joke. The real joke is how those same people don't find funny the bad stuff that happens to them. I can't imagine Louie witnessing how his two little daughters go through an agonizing and torturous death by starvation and saying "hey, let's make a joke out of it!". But, well, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he could even make a joke out of himself starving to death while his body is eating is own stomach due to the lack of anything else to provide any minimal sustenance. I guess he could joke about that for a while, since he seems to have enough fat reserves to go for a while. Sorry, I hope I'm not crossing any lines here by stating the fact that he is fat (by choice, not because he has any thyroid problem). After all, is it not allowed to laugh at everything? His show is like a shitty version of Seinfeld if that's possible.

I do not dislike "Seinfeld." I am appalled by it. The very idea of watching mere seconds of this "show" makes me beg for sweet deliverance... The writing and situations are terrible. The photography could have been mimicked by any unconscious beluga whale and be improved. Vastly. And all the running gags come across as cheap efforts to win over an audience. Which they are. The character of Seinfeld is grating. Whiny, wimpy, and one-dimensional. And he never does really say anything funny. Asking: "What is the deal with airplane food?" is not at all meant to be a hysterical joke. But the way Seinfeld delivers the line will cause people to double over in laughter for whatever reason.

And then we have Michael Richards with his Ed Norton Honeymooners impersonation. Kramer enters a room like a crack-addicted meth head and the audience laugh track gets turned up to 11. In real life, an oddball like Kramer would get dumped on continuously by society. But in the world of Seinfeld, Kramer is the toast of the town and a hit at every gathering. Cue the laugh track again.

And then we have George Costanza, a short, overweight, bald, middle-aged sack of worthlessness. George is a neurotic Woody Allen type, who complains about everything. If he sees a piece of lint on the floor, George will begin bellyaching about it incessantly. He has no problem getting dates with beautiful women and has a sweet job for the successful New York Yankees organization where all he does is sit in an office and collect a nice paycheck. Rather than feeling grateful and blessed, George insists on complaining nonstop about the most irrelevant aspects of his life. His parents are like nails on chalkboard, with his father yelling and screaming about obsolete and utter nonsense at every turn.

Then there's the character of Elaine, who just can't seem to find the right guy. She is not even worth getting into since I have never heard even Seinfeld fanatics act as if they particularly cared for this character. Nor do I recall any of them reminiscing about their favorite "Elaine" moment. She was pretty much to the show what Ringo was to the Beatles.

Seinfeld is a boring waste of time that follows pretentious uppity Jews around NYC doing absolutely nothing, just like the show Louie.


Bill Burr is the one that goes on mindless rants?

your drivel reminds me why education is paramount

what a pity you never received any

You're gonna be so fucked when they stop making word-a-day calendars.


macho man drives a big car , with big macho wheels and rims , not painted pink as that would be gay macho man hunts wild animals and macho man tears meat from them like wild animal macho man works out in gym with no wife or kids around - they are weak , he is strong ! macho man takes lots of 'healthy' supplements macho man wrestles with other macho men

OK faggot, what's next?!?

I could buy and sell you

Shame you're not worth buying

everyone has their part to play in the grand scheme

get back to us when you find yours

this sounds like a Japanese eulogy

Do you have to poop in a bucket in Mogadishu?

The Mogadi pirates recently ransacked my home and all the pipes and indoor plumbing were completely destroyed. My father and I dug a hole in our yard so we would have a makeshift porter potty. It's the deepest hole on our street so our family takes pride in that. I'm only 13 and I'm scared that the Mogadi pirates will attack again. I'm attempting to flee to America with my family for a better life.


Sadly I couldn't even afford a cup of cocoa. The Mogadi pirates raped and pillaged my entire town, family, and friends. The only way to make money is by selling chiclets to the same people who committed the atrocities. Hopefully america will give me a better life!

Wutang 4 lyf. #swag

you are a fucking moron

if you can do better , do do do

but the truth is - YOU CAN'T

this whole gay faggoty pile of rat shit is fucking tragic

i PWN the internet , i am flappo , i am legend™

I'm not fucking right now. I'm listening to Mozart.

you = plankton

me= blue whale

get a clue

Tell us how you really feel


trawling through your moronic feeble minded posts 2 things are a constant

the negativity and the stupidity

see above

stick to fantasy football you sad pathetic asswipe

Nice, we needed a new resident schizophrenic.

you know nothing about me you redneck hick shithead

i've been to north africa , italy ,spain , germany , france and switzerland

you probably don't even know where those countries are or if they exist

i'd be amazed if you've left your crappy little town


Is this you?

I'm from Mogadishu, Somalia I just turned 13 and need advice on how to begin weight lifting. There aren't any gyms around me and my family is extremely poor. Any help is much appreciated, Thankyou!

no .

you know fuck all about me , peabrain

but we all know ALL about the dumb fuck guy you worship

the closet case rejected by his dad looking for a new father figure ,

now he's got aubrey , eddie and all those hunky young men to surround him , it's like his very own new family !!


you = utter fucking moron

gullible too

perfect for rogan

What is Joe's MMA record again? Oh that's right he doesn't compete. In fact never trained. What's Joe's Judo record? Oh that's right, his fans edit his Wikipedia to give him a brown belt yet he has Ronda Rousey on and his knowledge is not even white belt level. What's Joe's BJJ record? 0-0-0? What's Joe's fight record in the last 25 years in anything? 0-0-0? He sounds like the second coming of Musashi! What a warrior! Yes, an armchair fighter. I'm not even that into it and have a better record. How can a man wear a BJJ black belt having never had a BJJ match his entire life? Having never given a class? Having testimonials from recognised fighters who say he brute forces his way through techniques and is awful to roll with? We can all shoot the shit for three hours about "facing death" and "choking bitches" and what fighter X should have done whilst stuffing snacks down our throats and getting high on the couch. Armchair fighters. Most people can't afford to pay professional fighters to humour them and hold pads for them whilst they throw uncoordinated combos and gas out. Instead people can and do regularly pay a modest admission fee and compete at local events. There is no excuse. But like I said, it's easier to use work contacts to live a fantasy and pretend to beat up a paid sparring partner in their garage. It's funny, Rogan will smear and try to discredit experts. Professionals with decades of academic and practical experience in their field. People who put in decades of rigorous research to produce work that is peer reviewed and credited by other experts. Rogan watches YouTube videos and "clowns" then whilst his fans clap like seals. Rogan has a Fight Pass subscription and watches fights whilst getting high. He then tells people who are multiple times world champions what they should do and his fans clap like seals. It makes sense to them in their self-imposed echo chamber, but the reality is that any given gym will have a person who trains casually whilst holding down a full time job, and that person can smoke Joe faster than Eddie Bravo jumps on a conspiracy. Armchair fighter my friend. Throwing one good kick in your life does not make anyone a fighter.

You sure this isn't you?

Im 13 and live in Mogadishu, Somalia and am attempting to flee my country for a better life. The mogadi pirates have robbed my family already twice this year and they hurt many of my friends and me. I need advice or help on how to escape this.

Nobody of any importance gives a shit about you , you're a mild irritant

Like a flea bite


Louie, Bill Burr and Seinfeld? Is there anybody this guy WON'T go after, fellas?

I find it hilarious how you actually took the time to write this rambling diatribe and post it to the sub reddit least likely to give a fuck

I'd love to know what's wrong with you.

coffee is for retards

intellectuals drink tea

another way of controlling the masses - see any tea rooms ? nah

plenty of coffee shops

that's because coffee is a DRUG

google who owns most of them , you might be surprised....

"I'm from Mogadishu, Somalia I just turned 13 and need advice on how to begin weight lifting. There aren't any gyms around me and my family is extremely poor. Any help is much appreciated, Thankyou!"

I kinds liked this.

I hate you

Fuck off nigger

burp Nice try with the hate though. sniff

Im a legend , a genius , a creative force of nature , a titan bestriding the entire cosmos far beyond the imagination of mortal man or indeed divine deity

i try not to boast

but when you're as grate as me , it's sooo hard not to

He's got so many extra spaces he's like a countryside or sumpthin TSS

wow thats impressive...what would you say is your greatest accomplishment?


I bet Colin Quinn's the only comic you like cuz he TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND DOESNT GIVE ANY BONES ABOUT IT.... get a new gimmick you hack Louis CK and Bill Burr are excellent comedians and Seinfeld has staying power 20 years later

I'm pretty sure the only thing you've got is advanced senile dementia

Your schticks so fucking old could be

I'm 23 and you're a pre-teen, so I'm gonna beat you up and take your lunch money then spend it on PECKAHS

Wait nevermind you're fucking poor you're pennies have no use to me you peasant

you're obsessed with me , you saaaaaaaaaad cunt


to me you're just another derivative dumbfuck who got his fingers burned by messing with moi

a man's gotta know his limitations...shame you don't

Te he this is fun, Im eating lunch and kind of bored at the moment so this will suffice. Why would elongating the a in sad make it more effective? Also my fingers are very strong, often unaffected by flames and hot surfaces...


who are you ?

yeah that's it

fucking nobody

pitt1991 is an ignored user. show anyway?

nah , too boring

cya sukka

I just wanted to know why you wrote so many a's......

Is it because your man breasts are a's and you are bitter that they aren't c's or d's so you could cup and caress them as you saw fit?

Response Required: Y/N

in your dreams , dipshit

it's called having a quick wit

you're just a half wit

who ?

the only comic I like is -


take a lot more than these morons to bother an internet legend like me


did anyone bother to finish this? i gave up after he started slamming bills wife...

"Bill's wife" you pathetic cuckold white knight faggot. She is a wide nosed ape.

good job trotting out all the usual stock insults mate. even though its completely redundant to explain myself to someone who obviously has me SO figured out, i'll go for it anyway. did you finish it anyway? id love to know what you thought. as for the white night thing, where did i defend anyone? not that i made it clear but the reason i gave up on this was how poorly formed and meaningless everything this nugget was saying...

Should baseball pitchers stop using a fastball if it works?

baseball sucks donkey dick

Yes it does stupid faggot but I was using an analogy to try to help you get it.

oh really? i completely missed that.

ummm...peckahz I guess?

Who has the time to read this garbage? Also who gives a shit what Louis looks like? He's one of the greatest comedic minds of our generation you rambling faggot. Learn how to make your point more concisely.

I'm supposed to sit here and read this? What am I? A nerd?

This is FlappoOwnsRogan...just dont respond and leave him to himself to commit suicide.

I overcooked the frozen delissio pizza i made today but It turned out okay because I put pepper and hot sauce on it. I recommend it to you all

Okay, look. If you wanna just keep doing the same old thing then maybe this idea is not for you. I, for one, am not going to compromise my artistic integrity. And I'll tell you something else: This is the show, and we're not gonna change it.

If you had any real creative artistic ability I'd take your criticisms seriously , fortunately for me you're an utter fucking idiot with as much creative ability as a squashed tomato.

Puberty is tough, kid.

"Bill's wife" you pathetic cuckold white knight faggot. She is a wide nosed ape.