I'm calling it before everybody...

0  2015-10-11 by [deleted]

Jocktober was a complete embarrassment and failure on multiple levels.


I'm calling it before everybody...

You will end up in prison after a computer repair man finds videos on your hard drive

It's all a bunch of lies, i was just holding on to them for a friend. Sometimes i babysit, that was just an instructional video for how to clean the privates

But why with your mouth Mr. Hargis?

Sometimes you can't get their privates clean with the wipes, you gotta use a little tongue. Just taste it and make shuure it's all better. Why is everyone yelling at me?

Tsss...what about the corporals and majors or sumpthin they gonna all be covered in muck or sumpthin

Dude why did you start a sub for that box office abortion Road Hard? The only thing more embarrassing than Jocktober is your homo-obsession for Adam Carolla.

Fucking faggot starting his useless post with "dude."

I was a fan years ago. I don't even really listen to his podcast anymore. I didn't start that sub by the way, and Road Hard was a stinker.

Then delete them shits bitch. Or stop modding them.

I stopped modding road hard some time ago. Go talk to mukatona if it really rustles your jimmies that much.

The aim of Jocktober was to annoy Tits. So far, mission success. It's the fools like you who think that it was somehow supposed to get him fired.

You are completely idiotic if you think that there was not a chance of him getting fired for the cake stomp video. Millions of people saw it and were all disgusted....but Opie is a nobody, so it kind of fell on deaf ears at SXM.

Anthony was fired for much less of an "outrage".

That's dumb. There was a chance that he could have been fired, but it was an extremely small one. The cake stomp had already made the SJW rounds once in 2013. If he didn't get fired then, he wouldn't be fired now.

Regardless, getting Opie fired isn't the objective of Jocktober, though of course it would be glorious if it was.

All it would take is one percent of those millions of outraged people to call SXM and Tits would be canned.

People have been fired for saying "nigger" decades ago.

But yes...at least we all know Tits is not having fun.

That channel employs a good 30 people asshole.

They ain't good people asshole

This guys a fag

Oh look another opioid sympathizer. Tits has been ripped apart more than John and Jeff, Scott and Todd, and Terri Clifford combined. I don't see how that's anything but a success. Hes also keeping guests secret, getting grilled by them, stopped making YouTube videos, had people banned from every social media platform he's on, had video pulled making fun of him for copyright infringement, wouldn't let Gavin in his studio to so another show, stopped posting pics of himself on Twitter, got a blockbot, lost 20,000 followers, interviewed a not even hot tranny like she was Barack Obama, millions of views on the cakestomp incident, been exposed as a heartless dog killing bully, hundreds of great photoshops and dozens of videos made and I'm sure I'm leaving some shit out.

Opioide is the perfect nickname for him. I was on some strong opiate narcotics after a shoulder surgery, Opie would be more than suitable background noise as you nod in and out from reality. Not requiring much thought, just a slow constant noise

He does tend to make you nauseous, itchy,and drowsy.

But think of all the positive side effects from an Oqioid withdrawl.

I don't give a shit about Opie or your bum shoulder, quit making it about yourself you needy faggot.

I love James Norden to pieces though.

Why? He is a fucking cowardly worm. He is sitting there across from Opie, and saying nothing about the hack piece of shit. This is the same fraud that will call out any other person for fucking up anything....yet Opie gets a pass on everything. Why? MONEY. Norton is a loser. He knows he cannot make it without the SXM paycheck...so he sucks Opies asshole (more, more more!!!) for the money.


In fairness, that's a pretty good reason.

Easy shit-dick, not looking for an internet fight, I know you're extremely courageous when it comes to those. Lets all just stand down. Hang your fedora on its hook and take a deep breath.

It doesn't count as trolling of you just spout retarded shit and everyone makes fun of you.

It's October 11'th, what have you accomplished this month? Did you get your garage cleaned out yet? What's on your to-do list, i'm curious?

Wtf is this stooge talking about now? It's the 11th of the month and we've already ruined the OpieRadio brand.

To be fair, Opie gets full credit for ruining his own brand. He's an ironic beneficiary of his own lack of relevancy and fame. The people here just helped raise awareness among the brave men and women of twitter.

I get the feeling that Jimmy can't stand Opie and guys like Sherrod, Henley, and Davidson are brought in to help bridge the gap. Sound familiar?

You didn't call it before everybody you retard, there's constant posts about how Jocktober was a failure. Not only can't you do anything in life right, you can't even do anything on this sub right. You're like the 8th person to make this claim. I sincerely hope that you are stricken with Lou Gehrig's disease in the near future.

Cakestomp ran its course and he remains employed, but other than that it has some effect on how they are doing things. Who knows, maybe something comes up before month-end and there's something interesting to post about.

I'm calling it before anyone else....I'm gonna make a bogus account, post some shit, and delete said account. Good one, either fag stangle or the fat stangle.

They ain't good people asshole

This guys a fag