Steve Rannazzisi lying on Maron's podcast

11  2015-10-10 by Lilcumia


Fuck this guy. I love Ari and LoS but I didn't understand how easily they seemed to dismiss this as a little white lie.

Anything this guy says either true or false. It's up to you to find out of he's lying.

I love Ari and LoS but I didn't understand how easily they seemed to dismiss this as a little white lie.

Because he's their friend and has probably given them work in some way or another.

where you at with jim's reaction?


What an unlikable dipshit.

You're telling me this guy is unlikable?


I bet he's raped at least 2-3 women before

That was creepy and so was him saying he could snap his wife's neck and then sleep like a baby. I believe him.

What a scumbag. He also lied about the lie itself, since he made it sound like Maron brought it up. He fucking brings it up himself in the interview. But I'm sure the guilt was really eating him up inside and he would have come know, until the most important newspaper in the country exposed him.

this cunt is an Opie level liar.

He always stunk. Without his cooked up backstory no one would have ever heard of him.

"I'm here to come clean after I've been publicly revealed to be a massive liar." Thanks, you unspeakable faggot. The clip starts and he's talking about his own insane lie like he's a sportscaster.

if you lie about being in the towers during 911 you are a weirdo with mental problems

Who cares? I have never heard of this unlikable dipshit.

God I hate Howard's freakishly long Jew face and Auschwitz body.

The opposite is Justin Stangel. They really are a cursed people.

Why are we still talking about this?

Why do people care so much about this again?

Because his flaming pants are a fire hazard.

fuckin' home run woop.

Um, just a couple weeks ago Ari said Steve admitted to his friends "5 or 6 years ago" that it was a lie. This podcast was like last year. Fuck this guy.


Why is the government allowed to lie about it but this guy isn't?



Right? It's ridiculous. Everyone knows it was Hulk Hogan's fault.


This guy is fucking hilarious on the League. Yes, he was stupid. He is a comic and told a dishonest story years ago and retracted it. There is nothing to see here other than the PC crowd tries to find dirt on people the more famous they get. If anything, this got Steve more famous. I knew him as kevin from the league, now I actually know his real name.

He's been consistently telling that story for years and until found out it was quite recent too. It wasn't a mistake it was sociopathic. He lied to insert himself in one of the most sensitive events in US modern history.

I'm more disturbed by the fact that you find him "fucking hilarious on the League" than by how you overlook and downplay this sociopath's lies.

Every time a celebrity or public figure does something shitty, there's always going to be that small group of fans that defend them. Had someone you don't like or know did this, you never would have the same viewpoint in a million years and we all know it.

BTW more fame =/= more money. If that was the case, Kramer would be twice as rich right now.

I love Ari and LoS but I didn't understand how easily they seemed to dismiss this as a little white lie.

Because he's their friend and has probably given them work in some way or another.


where you at with jim's reaction?