Ron giving out more shots, Stangels, doc show

32  2015-10-10 by Lilcumia


Ron walks wherever he wants. He doesn't mind stepping on some greggshells. Nawmean.

Ron Bennington is the guy Opie wishes he was. He dreams of being Stern but he can't ever hope to be on that level. Ron is on his level and is better than him. Smarter, funnier, more respected. Just an all around more competent and charismatic person to be on radio. Opie does a documentary show cause he is too much of a slimey dumbass to do his version of Unmasked.

Ron is greggshells kryptonite. They roll right the fuck off of him. Meanwhile Greggory steals from Ronnie's show as often as possible. God bless Ronnie B for putting up with Opie for all these years.

"But getting back to CCR..." What fucking year is it?!

Any year ever? Never a bad time for ccr.

Usually don't care about Vic but him shitting all over Gurian was a pleasant surprise

That's one thing I like about Vic, he'll take some shots at people that have the other guys in the studio backing off. Mick Foley being a famous one.

True. Wish he'd go off on opie shoot style

It was kind of stupid, he wasn't even trying to be funny about it. Everyone knows Gurian is an annoying weirdo, but it's not funny to just point that out. Ron is great at playing along with Jeff and getting him to say goofy shit.

Fantastic. If it was anyone other than "family man opie" they would have let more shots and laughter explode because that's what comedy is.

Instead, he brings it back in quickly to boring CCR talking points.

I miss the laughter.

Does anybody remember laughter?

Brilliant he shut both of them up with that well done ron

more like rare ron tss


Does Opie ever let someone finish a sentence without talking over ?

but we NEED to hear his point about CCR


That fake laughter is infuriating

Holy shit, im absolutely shocked! Ron said documentary instead of rockumentary

Seriously, taking shots at the document tree show is nice and all, but that shit is going to bother me the rest of the day.

It was friendly banter. If you don't see it as I don't know what to tell you.

I don't like Opie as much as the next guy but this sub is really full of stupid peple.

Seriously, it was Ronnie being hilarious but the retards on here thinking it means anything are just that...retards.

Shut up, faggot. Everyone knows you like slurping Opie'a cock in every thread.

As for Ron, if he didn't like Tits, he wouldn't do a show with him. But here he is working with him and taking "shots" at him.

You're the fucking faggot you pig fuck. I don't slurp Opie's dick, I've said a million times that I like Ant and Jim far more than Opie. I've spoken about how the current show sucks (aside from Pete Davidson appearances) and that Opie sucks. Sorry I acknowledge that both Ant and Opie are better when they're together and I'm not all in with trying to get Opie fired. Guess that means I slurp his cock. Go fuck your mother.

Do you guys think he doesn't like the Stangels?

Chuck actually made me laugh in this show with Tennessee having "really good" cock fights. Not just cock fights, good ones.

But how long did you have sit through his bullshit to get one line?

Trust me, I usually hate Chuck. I groan every time they go to him.

It was also pointed out that it was the first phone call they took that day. Because we all know Chuck has the hotline number.

Best line was opie saying i want to bring in pigeon meat and eat it on the show, i know it's hack but... Then ron interrupts him saying that's okay that's what the show is now

Listening around Opie wanting to talk about Journey

You come at the king you best not miss

Based Ron Bennington



My ears are not trashcans.

You're an apostrophe misusing motherfucker, motherfucker!

It was kind of stupid, he wasn't even trying to be funny about it. Everyone knows Gurian is an annoying weirdo, but it's not funny to just point that out. Ron is great at playing along with Jeff and getting him to say goofy shit.

That's one thing I like about Vic, he'll take some shots at people that have the other guys in the studio backing off. Mick Foley being a famous one.

Trust me, I usually hate Chuck. I groan every time they go to him.