Walking on Anthshells - blocked just for pointing out that it's a lie that his fans don't post here. Where are they then?

0  2015-10-10 by Ant_Sucks


Your Reddit username is literally Ant_Sucks. I agree that Ant is cultivating a bizarre cult of yes-men lately, but you're exactly the kind of person he should be blocking.

You're always trolling, it's no wonder you're blocked.

You're always trolling

But in Italian it sounds much nicer, you know.

What a pandering little bitch you are. You have NEVER made this comment when somebody gets blocked by Opie and has posted about it. Why dont you make some friends and stop trying to get the faggots on this sub to give you their fag karma. What a lonely hypocrite.

I wasn't trolling. I was being respectful. I was just trying to have an honest conversation!

Was the intent to be open & honest, or just honest? That's a deal breaker with Ant.

Oh. Well pardon me, kind sir.

Sorry we thought someone with named Ant_Sucks, who got blocked by ant on twitter would be trolling. Our mistake sir and our sincerest apologies

I'm not apologising. I dint do shit!

Accepted. I hold no grudge

I do. Go fuck yourself you little baby. The mile of trolling shit you have typed here about Ant and then you cry because you got blocked? What? to much work for you to create another twitter account?

No, sounds like I'm doing good work here.

You need mental help.


It couldn't be that you're using his face as your profile picture and trolling him.

You know as well as I do that it was calling him a liar bothered him more than using his face.

You seriously need more hobbies

Nah there's too many of them around already and I hate their hairy feet.


Will you stop being such a fucking faggot. You'd think Ant did something to you personally. Can we please just all hate Opie together?

This sounds like Opie hurt you personally.

How many women have restraining orders against you?

It's not a competition

Seriously you are a creep...

This sounds like sour grapes


Shut up cunt

You're fat

Ants known for blocking faggots, which makes up just about all of us. this is literally nothing new.

besides we're some assholes on the internet, not coworkers who have to tiptoe through a minefield.

Then why hasn't he shadow banned you nigga

Jesus fucking christ, for once i wish you fucking normies would GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD.

I wasn't trolling. I was being respectful. I was just trying to have an honest conversation!

You're always trolling

But in Italian it sounds much nicer, you know.

What a pandering little bitch you are. You have NEVER made this comment when somebody gets blocked by Opie and has posted about it. Why dont you make some friends and stop trying to get the faggots on this sub to give you their fag karma. What a lonely hypocrite.