#cakestomp has faded, and the Gavin/RaceWars non-issue is right behind it. Time to move onto Roland.

6  2015-10-10 by smokinswindler



I would prefer not to target Roland, or any of the former O and A staff. We can't give up on the Opie campaign this early into October. The tools claiming to be from "anonymous" have only posted the address of a Greg Hughes that isn't Opie. They have failed miserably. We need a new plan. Just my opinion.

PLEASE tell me you people didn't actually think anonymous was actually going to do something to Opie? Good god are people over playing what is happening here. And opies address is public knowledge there's news paper articles about his new apartment

Of course I didn't... Read my last post when I said they failed miserably...Fuck em...This sub needs to find a new plan..We are good boys, doing gods work!! Salt of the earth!

Can people not even read?

I can read people cans but where are they?

I've been trying to tell you people that "anonymous" are a bunch of faggots these days.

They might take down Opieradio.com causing tens of dollars worth of inconvenience! Look out!

The problem with Anonymous is that anyone can say they are Anonymous. That's the whole point of them. But it also means that you're going to get a lot of do-nothings shitting up your reputation as a feared hacker group.

So they are the modern embodiment of Leon Czolgosz?

And ever since they got in the news some years ago they've been hijacked by anarcho communists who don't know dick about hacking and are only interested in creating chaos to promote communism... or something. The only people in anonymous who know anything about hacking are NSA and FBI.

I distinctly remember them being an apolitical group of 4chan hackers who did things just to fuck with people, "for the lulz". Then when they started getting news coverage, people started treating them like activists, and since anyone can claim to be part of Anonymous, activists started doing that.

That was actually Lulzsect, which was an offshoot branch of Anonymous. All the ones with any ability usually form up under their own brand off the main franchise to earn themselves a name.

Gulf of Tonkin

I think you're getting anarcho capitalism and anarcho communism mixed up. Which is okay because you're legitimately retarded and I don't expect much better from you. The big deal on the internet with nerds like you who get gout is anarco capitalism.

I think you're getting anarcho capitalism and anarcho communism mixed up.

No I'm not, stupid. Go to any twitter account that purports to speak for anonymous and it's all hyper left anarcho bullshit. Look at anonops ferguson or whatever the twitter account is. They are pushing for chaos as part of their commie permanent revolution bullshit. You won't see these dildos blabbing about Mises or Rothbard.

there's anarcho capitalist anonymous twitter accounts though. https://twitter.com/An_Cap_Anon I don't think it proves anything, is more of a confirmation bias. There's every fringe group on the internet, I can't even take the name anarcho communism seriously, it'd be impossible and you're most likely finding retards as sources for your views.

Maybe it is confirmation bias on my part as well, but every time I see someone claiming to represent anonymous they are aligning with far-left causes (and using similar language). I think we both agree they're all pushing for anarchy in one form or another (and whether they know it or not).

No. Opie needs to be the target. Our goal, tits cracking on air, or worse. Fuck a Roland, that's like kicking a stray dog. He's already pathetic.

Yeah and if anyone thought our actual goal was to get Opie fired missed the real point of Jocktober. It's about the goof. Having a laugh like usual but actually putting an extra effort in to making Opie react to our silly nonsense, which he clearly has done.

We're all about the validation in this cesspit.

The boys got cronuts for brains.

Roland is a waste of time... He'll be dead by Christmas if he keeps eating the way he has been anyway. I agree we gotta keep the heat on Opie. He's the reason for the season of Jocktober

I can't believe it...Twitter people got super offended by cakestomp and just moved on to something else after a few days?

I like this. There is everything right about these 3day 'cycles' and we are learning what works as we go along.

Now, for the end of Jocktober I say rerelease all of them in one big fireworks spectacular!

But yep, Roland is entirely worth a spin!

Roland's to easy. Besides, it's not fun messing with someone whos actually sort of retarded. I think when she was pregnant with him, Roland's Mom stuck him in the head with a hanger, but she missed the sweet spot by a quarter inch. So the only part of his brain that came out of her gash stuck to the end of a hanger was the part that tells you when you're full.

Ahhh Roland is pretty harmless. I legitimately hope he gets a handle on his health. I can't imagine living like that, stuffing your face with sugary shit. Dude is headed towards some serious health issues.

I wonder if Opie is dumb enough to tweet guest announcements if the heat of jocktober suddenly vanishes for a few days. Smoke break fellas?

He is a fuckin mess.
But he is the only one in the studio I have ever heard take shots at the Stangles. I listened to the show with Ronnie B and Roland was calling Justin Stangle human Jabba the Hut. I hope he keeps that up. He hates himself so much he just loves to rip into other fat dudes.

I have my reservations about tormenting poor roland. I don't have the same hate to him as you all but i know in the end it would fuck with hughes tits.

He's going to die of natural causes in a few months anyway, what's the point?