Young Denny Falcone. Pussy Magnet

107  2015-10-09 by Dennyislife


*Puppy Magnet

you put your nose up to that man's fingers and you can bet you're gonna smell pussy

well put sir, well put

I bet Denny owned a "free mustache rides" T shirt back then.

Why is it all 80s radio guys had to look like John Oates?

I bet he used that tie like an ice luge or a slip and slide he connected to his mouth so he could guzzle piss directly from the mule.

Finally, a corsican pimp we can all respect.

I was thinking used Persian rug salesman.

He looks like a petite Pablo Escobar.

Seeing this pic makes me want FX to reboot WKRP as a fucked up sitcom set in the mid-late 80's

Omg I was thinking the same thing. Bonus instead of Johnny Fever it could be a morning zoo show.

How fucking old is Roland?

what is the thought process going on in your head that leads to "I have to search for old pics of Dennis Falcone, and post them on reddit"???

Denny is life my friend. Not just a throwaway log in for reddit.

All hail the Piss Lord

May his self sucking light shine on us all.

You're a good man.

3 in the stink 1 in the pink

He has Billy Batts forehead

Hairline starts a half inch above his eyebrows haha


He looks like a hotshot detective who plays by his own rules

This summer, Dennis Falcone is 'The Goose'

Dennis Falcone in 'Cumshoe'

Born to hit the post.

How did he manage to pose with young and old Arn Anderson at the same time?

Jack Kelly, sort of.


Hi i'm Denny Falcone, i'm a radio DJ?

hahahahah Denny4L

He looks like a cross between William H Macy and Groucho Marx

Hopefully he doesn't shoot anyone at a New Year's party.

That combover on the middle guy is fucking epic

The guy in the middle has almost certainly committed a string of sexually motivated murders.

holy fucking shit this is the greatest picture I've ever seen

that stache tho

Wow that is exactly how I pictured him.

That's a baller-ass dog turd mustache. Rivals Steve Harvey.

puppy magnet

What a fucking geek!! Love u Denny

Does anyone else see Scorch sitting down before he lost his hair??

I'd love to hear Denny's real opinion on the Opester after working with absolute legends of radio at CBSfm

Denny is the real-life Andy Travis from WKRP in Cincinatti.


This was back during his Dennis Falcon's LaserDisc of Pre-Teens days

Looks like an AIDSy Collin Farrell.


looks like that dude from show me a hero

He looks like the son of Saddam Hussein and a Pedo.