Tits Will Never be Happy Again

0  2015-10-09 by unclepaul84

He will go to the grave a miserable hated person. Regardless of his future radio career. This is an undeniable fact. I have no idea how Tits lives with himself. Good riddance


I was imagining him going to bed at night with a little twinge of sadness in his stomach and it warmed my heart, then I realized he might be too dumb to feel emotions.

I'm almost certain that time he cried on air was just copying something he'd seen normal human beings do on 90 Day Fiance or some other dog shit he watches.

90 day fiance is not dog shit. It is a very good program.

Ignorance is bliss. He'll find happiness.

He really thinks he is talented which is why I hate him so much. Pre Anthony he was a hacky nobody, during ona he was a steamrolling exasperated whiner, post Anthony he is a confused leach.

I need him to realize how utterly talentless he is and even with his own channel he will never be as famous as he was in 2000.

exactly. my motivation for hating him is imagining how excited he was to see Anthony get fired. Picturing his new show being a big old hit, eventually leading to him being the new Stern. But Stern had talent, one of those talents was knowing how to keep funny people around him and semi happy. Opie is just an obtuse moron and he deserves no further success without Anthony.

I think deep down he's always wanted to be a badass or a tough guy but he's too much of a puppy to bully anyone other than the weak.

Haters are one thing, but picking on the handicapped & downtrodden is not looking good for his public image.

And looking like a pussy is his Kryptonite.

I bet his wife would cry tears of joy over the inheritance.

Why else would she marry a fucking AARP member at her age?

She was in love with him?


No she knew he would die sooner.

Opie is a lottery ticket, and she won .

I bet that shitstained rube thinks she loves him despite his hairline, and mood swings.

That would have happened anyway even if he wasn't in the public eye.

I tried to rile those #anon douches up. I thought they were real, turns out their only plan was to tweet at Sirius/Opie a bunch. Then they doxxed some random Greg Hughes from Manhattan, miserable failure. Sadly we have more traction with teenage girl who are Beleibers and 1D fans.... shuuuure

actually pretty fucking hilarious that they doxxed some random Greg Hughes.

Some poor guy with a cubicle job fielding call after call about a cake he has no idea about, ok that is hilarious

yeah, hopefully a lot of people from this sub just sent him a bunch of horrific messages for the hell of it. he's just like "wha?"

He comes home and his wife scolds him "Greg, what the fuck did you do?"... To ruin some random guys life as collateral damage of #Jocktober is fucking hilarious

those monkeys didn't bother to check the spelling of Gregg's first name. l33t hax0rs for sure

Think he's beginning to regret "not giving it his all, but definitely gave it a shot" to greenstein?

exactly. my motivation for hating him is imagining how excited he was to see Anthony get fired. Picturing his new show being a big old hit, eventually leading to him being the new Stern. But Stern had talent, one of those talents was knowing how to keep funny people around him and semi happy. Opie is just an obtuse moron and he deserves no further success without Anthony.