Remember when Jim wouldnt let Gavin come in the studio?

6  2015-10-09 by ninothing

Cause apparently that happened. I believed he had that show on Vice and like's Shane Smith coming in the studio. I like Jim a lot though so I don't really care about that. Fuck Opie. Yadda yadda.


Well you can't really blame him since his Vice show took off like a rocket.

He is the Johnny Carson of the new generation.


Jack Sub-Paar

two minutes of laughter

Johnny Carcinogen :D

Jimmy Failin

David Letterwoman dvv dvv


Jay... Lamo...

Is Vice something that has paid shows? I thought they just sent twinky hipsters to shitty foreign countries so we could see that people drink there. You guys remember Yugoslavia? Well it was great and we are going to show how capitalism fucked it up MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!

Typical worm move.

There were some "fuck you"s between Jimmy and Gavin over this

Jimmy Failin