Gregg 'Opie' Hughes, inventor of Slave Girl

5  2015-10-09 by RonBengtan

Oh no! Within the first 5 minutes 4 middle aged men harangue an unpaid black female intern into showing her panties. Then things get controversial. We've got sexual harrasment, we've got rape culture, we've got racism, we've got celebrity involvement, we've got violence against women, we've got these fine leather jackets for only $89.99!

Fuck cakes. Though louis ck may have to be a human sacrifice. Who can clip Opie's contributions to this fun game?



Liiiiimited Ediiiition Slave Girl. Never been owned! Yours for this low introductory price!

What a great idea, def. Get some traffic from someone on this list.

Also, i didn't even know the Rock was considered black!

Only to black people. To everyone else he is Samoan.

