A classic

72  2015-10-09 by vapeandcoffee


Tss tss they were fawkin chippin away at em?


What a polite, friendly way to say you wanted to punch someone in the mouth.

what happened here? I don't think I heard this, but I love it

If I remember correctly, Dane came in to promote his new special and instead of the "hang vibe" that they usually have with comics, Opie decided to tell his jokes. Not set them up like your typical comic appearance w/ a morning zoo crew, but just outright reciting the premise and the punchline with the timing of a zombie. He may have even told some before/after the interview; I think Dane mentioned it but he was much more diplomatic than that post. At least Opie acknowledged it on the show.

Opie was telling the jokes from the special that Dane was trying to promote???? what a fucking idiot

Yeah, and not just like, "He's got this great bit about girlfriends...", but rather he would introduce the joke and deliver a butchered punchline. He was aware of what he was doing, but it almost seemed like he was doing it to see if he could aggravate Dane. Maybe a caller mentioned it?

I missed this one?

Dane Cook still exists?