O & J interviewing Mia Isabella like she was fucking Meryl Streep was a fucking embarrassment and a new low.

65  2015-10-08 by BoboOrban6

There's no reason this non contributing gossip fodder tranny should be on a fucking media tour, yet the three hens couldn't lick her bag and shaft fast enough. How is it this show is getting worse?

They treated the interview like they were fucking Mary Hart acolytes, or Oprah.

That could be the most dull and banal radio Ive ever heard, definitely the worst I've heard this year.


Jimmy something something trannies

That quite succinctly sums up two decades of his stand-up comedy and his entire life.

It's kind of depressing.

Nothing against Ms. Isabella and the trans community, but she is a porn star, and well, porn stars aren't supposed to be coddled on a weird shock jock radio show.

It was just as bad when they did it to that Duke girl last year. She started talking about how empowered she was and you could hear Ant biting his lip and Ride of the Valkyries playing inside his wop brain.

Jim Norton puts all trannys on a pedestal. What did you expect?

He's putting the cock and ghastly genetic structure on a pedastal

I think this really cuts to the heart of the current situation.

Old Show: Belittles and humiliates guests for the pleasure of listening audience.

Current Show: "OMG we have a TRANNY PORN STAR on the SHOW! Isn't this edgy and cool?? We will treat her like Meryl Streep because otherwise twitter shit storm."

Nothing against Ms. Isabella and the trans community


You don't think Mia Isabella and the cast of Comic Book Men are A level guests?



But management is loving the new direction the Stangels are taking the show

They're only doing what they were hired to do. contacts lawyer

Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and brave! Its the new PC trend, god forbid they say anything mean or derogatory to a Tranny on air. Opie saves all that abuse for his personal videos.

Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and brave!

She's a broad, good for her. I'm sure she went through a lot.

Caitlynn kills another person in an automobile accident and that's forgotten because it doesn't fit the narrative, and so she can win the ESPN Bravery Award over a girl who was dying of cancer, literally, dead now, but still played college basketball.

Its a southpark reference relax

it's not really a south park reference. i think it's pretty universal.

I haven't watched that since 2009, sorry.

You PC, bro?

*too much south park?

So much edge. Don't cut yourself.

It's shitstains like you who use that repetitive "that edge" comment that makes me want to put a brick in your faggot mouth and push you down a steep set of stairs. You sound like an SJW. You don't belong in this sub

Aww, you take Reddit so seriously. Back away from the internet beta boy, it's not for you.

slow down. there's nothing "alpha" about the internet, if that's what you're getting at.

It's not. Anyone who gets that angry about something so little obviously has huge problems in their own life that they are projecting onto other people. Most likely feelings of inadequacy, etc. Plus, he sounds like a self hating closeted homosexual who was bullied his whole life and has no one to take it out on, so he uses Reddit.

Caitlyn will be history...oh wait who?

Like, fucking, what does fucking Bailey Jay fucking think of this cunt fucking stealing her fucking spotlight motherfucker?

Sir, there's no need to stain our community with cursing.

Sir? Listen mother fucker. Do I look like a Sir mother fucker? I am all fucking woman bitch. So suck my fucking cock with that Sir bullshit mother fucker.

Trying too hard.

I know. Bailey Jay tries way to hard.

You reply with some random shit at times, you silly cocksucker.

Sniff my fucking cunt and balls mother fucker

Hey now!

Why does Bailey talk like that Lars Ulrich Napster cartoon?

Because she is a stupid person and has an extremely small vocabulary.

Just a good angle

My dick only has bad angles.


My dick only has good ones. But then I also cant sit in public bathrooms, and sometimes when I roll over with a morning hard on I almost break my dick. It's almost a curse. Until you remember you have a big dick.

you wouldn't know anything about good angles...

Looks like she might have gotten some work done on her face.

Above average but not really freakish big.

Like when it was still O&A and they interviewed that Duke pornstar bitch like she was legit? Bitch talking about how she's career oriented and blah blah blah. Not wanting to talk too much about her porno. Give me a break.

Excuse me Belle, how much money does your dad make?

Guaranteed it was to keep lil yimmy happy... Sherod is just the worst

Jimmy's constant defense of porn stars is his worst trait. He acts like getting fucked for cash is in the same league as working on an oil rig or being a combat medic. Stupid asshole.

it is to be commended...if you look like Benjamin Button and you cant get laid

Even having her on in the first place is ridiculous. This isn't 2004 shock jock radio, we all have the internet and know what trannies are.

Treating her like she was an important person was expected with Norton's new serious approach to trannies. Remember when he used to just goof on them?

What was she/it on the show for? Was it promoting something?

Wait, she was fucking Meryl Streep? With her big fawkin peckah?!?



What's this about Meryl Streep?

Jimmys secretly proud that he was one of the "first" with the tranny acceptance shit thats big now. too bad no one cares

I thought it was hilarious how Jimmy seemed honestly confused why his Vice show didn't get any buzz for having Bailey Jay as a host (or whatever she was)

jimmys lived alone for a better part of his life...yeah he has girlfriends...sure..ya so did Paul Lynde.


They have to show how progressive they are

Who the hell is that?

Also you say it as if Opie is anything different.

He is fucking terrible.

no, no. thats terrible...

How did your parents die?

These interviews are done with the thought of it being played on TV in their head, hoping that the subject says something profound that will become a giant news clip "As heard on Opie & Jim on SiriusXM"

oh so cutting edge sjw left wing liberal co-existing (yawn) horseshit... who gives a shit what this person is about, how many times she/he was married etc...truly nobody cares. except maybe jim. i thought they were entertainers...this was NOT entertaining or interesting.. AT ALL