Jay Leno avoiding, Kevin Smith cancelled

56  2015-10-08 by chippersonlyle

So speculate, speculate, speculate... Their publicists are onto the fact that Opie is not popular right now because of the abuse of the homeless angle?


Kevin Smith always knew opie was a shithead. Sure he's happy to cut ties.

Remember when opie was crying about no invite to the cop out premier?

ME: Kevin Smith is freaking out, frantically trying to get our phone number to call in.

Kevin: I wasn't freaking out or anything like that. Don't make me out to be desperate to be on your show, that's why I stopped doing Howard.

I've been meaning to find the actual audio of this interaction.

Sounds like great audio. Is this why Kevin quit doing the show?

Kevin Smith lives in LA and is a regular on Kevin & Bean. He's moved on and evolved, as someone might say.

Has he been on since Ant's firing, or even a couple years prior to that miscarriage of justice? He's been missing a long time.

He was on in August..

I'm surprised.

And stupid!


I remember hearing this live - very aWkWaRd for the OPSTER...

I bet he was heating up. Just a lil bit.

Kevin didn't stop doing Howard, Howard didn't want him on the show and treated him like a wack packer.


that was a great one. and, i believe, that was a moment brought on by a number of things from opie rubbing him the wrong way over time.

such as when opie sat in a corner and pouted when he tried interrupting kevin multiple times (as he does) and kevin was having none of it. I honestly thought the connection was bad and kevin couldn't hear opie, but i'm sure kev heard about it later because it was SOOOO fucking awful.

opie got to a level of pissed that you just do not get to with a chill "friend of the show" like kevin smith.

Kevin Smith was overreacting to Opie's comment. O&A were returning from a break, and the music was playing in the background I think, and Opie just commented that Kevin's trying to find our #. He wasn't saying Kevin was desperate.

Even worse was when Opie would try and convince Kevin to throw Jimmy in his movies.

Jimmy would be perfect for a Kevin Smith movie. Not that he's made a good movie since 2001, but still.

Clerks 2 was alright, so was Red State.

I've heard Tusk was thoroughly unwatchable though.

Johnny Depp is the only enjoyable part of that movie

Clerks 2 sucked and I haven't bothered to watch any of his movies since.

Red State

Red State overall is like it was written by a thirteen year old who just discovered atheism, but even if you can get past that, the movie has the dumbest, laziest, borderline-Scoobie Doo ending imaginable.

Red State overall is like it was written by a thirteen year old who just discovered atheism

That's sort of what Kevin Smith turned into since he "discovered pot".

He was in two of his movies. That porn tape one and that buddy cop one with Bruce Willis.

He was in Zach amd miri? Everything about that movie was so forgettable. I forgot I even saw it.

Jim's contribution to the movie was what you'd expect - a brief 2 second cameo reading some stupid line.

"He stinks and I don't like him"

but when they were good they were some of my favorites. so he'll always have a place.

Oh absolutely. I've always been a big defender of Mallrats. Used to love all his movies. But then jersey girl happened and he just hasn't been able to get back on track since then. Still like hearing him talk.

Opie acted like a total CUNT during the Cop Out press tour. I want to say that it was because Kevin wasn't scheduled to come in? He kept re-iterating the Rotten Tomatoes score (which was deservedly in the single digits) until Kevin finally called in and basically had to grovel. This is a guy who had given them hours of good radio, and who was always way bigger than the show.

tl:dr Opie is a cocksucker

A guy who's been going on about Jack Black and Tracy Morgan's supposed lack of loyalty for 15 years is the least loyal person himself. The second Opie doesn't see himself profiting from a guest, he'll never have him on again no matter how far back they go.


That's crazy. I never even heard of that one. Interesting.

It was the 10/17/11 show. From wackbag:

To clarify the Kevin Smith/Opie thing a bit: before the show on paltalk, opie was informed kevin was gonna be on the show and he started to beat him up a bit. he said 'well we might as well go home cuz kevin will just want to talk kevin'. he also said god forbid he could read the room once in a while and notice when they're trying to talk about something else. It was genuinely funny and off-the-cuff. i think ant sensed trouble because he cut the feed in the middle of op's trashing him. when kevin came in and said that piece about not wanting to talk about himself it was very uncomfortable. then op acted like he didn't know wtf was going on.

It's already effecting the show and I hope it has unforeseen consequences. Imagine if celebrities began refusing pictures with Jimmy because of his association with Opie. Does paycheck trump celebrity pictures in Jimmy's mind?

Or affecting.


sniff burp SNOWAYYY!

I think celebrity pictures are the only thing keeping Jim alive at this point.

That and Truvada.

I thought it was AZT

Just think how sad a man has to be that he has to use his celebrity to turn his home into a museum of self-validation with pictures with the famous people and himself.

Not even famous people he likes necessarily, just people who were on the tee-vee.

Why would either of them bother wasting their time with this show anyway? Nobody is listening. Besides, Kevin Smith would be better served doing Erock's show.

Kevin Smith would be better served doing Erock's show. Absolutely. If he goes on Tits' in the morning it will just end up being fucking morning zoo hen talk about sugar and weight loss again

Haha better served

Since this is a general purpose "Opie being douchey with Kevin Smith" thread, I thought of another one. It was the second or third time Kevin was in, and he had brought Jason Mewes with him. Jason wasn't really saying much, so at one point Opie puts him on the spot.

ME: Jason! You're not saying much, what kinda thoughts you got going on? I mean, this is a pretty crazy radio show...

Jason: Uh, well....just taking it all in....

Tits is such a great interviewer! He really knows how to make his guest welcome and comfortable to open up.

Jay Leno was going on Opie? Holy shit. Could you imagine Johnny Carson lowering himself to that?

Then again, I guess he's buddies with lil Jimmy.


I don't know that he's "buddies" with Li'l Jimmy. Jim used to do a "Man On The Street" segment once every 4 weeks.

Leno did a guest appearance on The Muppets Show last week, because he has a better working relationship with Fozzie Bear.

No, Jay likes Jimmy. Jimmy is an old school kind of comic who has massive respect for late night talk shows.

Jay latched onto Jimmy hoping to get a younger demographic. It's the same reason he hired stuttering John. Neither plan worked. Although he remained number one so who cares?

what was his reason for hiring Ross the intern?

Jimmy sucking up to Jay on the radio for YEARS must have paid off. Were any of you listening in 2010 when the Conan/Jay thing was going on? Jimmy was insufferable about that. Just sucking Jay's dick every day for an hour.

Fozzie at least know how to make a catchphrase work.

Wokka wokka, brotherman.

Fozzie Bear probably could do radio better than that droopy titted rock headed idiot Opie.

but what about the kevin smith roller hockey movie Jimmy was going to do in where he travles back in time to teach our founding fathers about shoes with wheels on them?



Kevin Smith cancelled but everyone else from the show they were promoting came in. What's the angle on that one?

The less Kevin Smith the better and that includes him talking or his movies but.. ..IF he canceled due to SJW concerns I will at least give him credit for not being a fucking hypocrite (like that tranny hooker) and being consistent.

I'm convinced that the Walking Dead guy delayed because as he said he was in the car on the way and was getting bombarded with tweets and made a point of watching the Cakestomp vid.

Speaking of Smith.. Adam Carolla has gotten into it with Kevin Smith AND Opie was a fucking idiot douchefuck to Carolla once.

Anyone know the twitter of the most popular common Publicists that would have likely OJ guests?

I guarantee you Opie will whine & cry over Kevin Smith not coming in, he might even Sniff! Kevin canceling could be a sign of how big this problem is getting for Opie & Sirius because Kevin isn't just a guest, he's always been considered a good friend of the show, & you know how Opie obsesses over former friends of the show now blowing them off, that's unforgivable in Opie's eyes!

I'm convinced Opie was telling the truth (yeah I know) about the whole Carolla thing. Adam seems like a real shithead. I guess I don't have a lot of evidence to support that, other than what I feel when I hear him talk. He moralizes on his show all the time, which is just the worst thing ever. Remember Jimmy did his Podcast, and Adam would just babble over Jim when he was talking. Jim would say something funny, Adam would chuckle and then babble for 5 minutes about nothing. I hate Opie like anyone else, but it seems way too random to make up. Adams show was massive at the time, why would you want people knowing that he punked you if he didn't? Idk

Carolla does talk non-stop over guests and its kind of his bit or thing but he's pretty well known as unpretencious easy-going with fans etc.

Opies story would be baffling. Mind-boggling in a way. As if Carolla would be watching the show. the on break see Opie walk in and then just blurt at him in insultingly "what are YOU doing here??". As if even arrogant celebs would just say that like he interupted their private room.

Where Adams explanation matches what a real world thing is and would happen. It was just a semisurprised awkward funnygreet when Opie surprised him as "In .. oh was watching you on air and suddenly you walked in.. "whoa.. howd you get here so quick" "where'd you just come from" etc.

Opie's insane rage, paranoia, revenge fantasies over whats so obviously was a awkwardy phrase greeting should nearly worry people.

If I never hear Kevin Smith on any platform ever again I would welcome that. One of those guest that when they are announced you die a little inside.

I'm surprised.