The Opie hatred was fun but it's starting to get creepy as SXM possibly firing him is now possible than it ever was.

0  2015-10-07 by molestedasayounggirl

Most reasonable, clear minded people here don't want Opie fired over #cakestomp or for saying something on the air, it's not the victory we want. We want him fired b/c he's an overpaid hack with no redeeming qualities as a broadcaster and on-air personality, not b/c of this cake shit from 7-8 years ago. It's not the right way to do it. I hate the "Opie" as much as anyone here but this is not the way to take him down, it's just not.


Opie not only didn't listen to peoples problems with the show but he intentionally rubbed our faces in the fact that THEY'RE "moving on" from us. Guess again you blonde mop haired cunt.

Fuck them. Seriously. Fuck them.

I disagree. This is basically two birds with one stone for me. Opie is feeling stress for the first time in his life and I enjoy using sjw's like the pawns that they are.

They are not going to fire him. Why is this not clear. Until it SIGNIFICANTLY effects their subs or ad revenue they just ignore it. They know its rehashed drama. Point is to torture Opie with it, make him miserable, make guests/comics want to avoid the show. So far, so good.

Mostly I'd agree, but I think it's enraging people that the guy who stomped on a homeless man's cake 7 years ago has his own SiriusXM channel and brand. That's the tipping point possibly in all this.

Im sure he would be fired if someone stabbed him in the back like he did Ant.

"Sirius XM is now closed to firing him now possible than it ever was", I'm confused. Is there still a chance he could be fired? I thought Opie's phony apology plus Sirius pretty much telling everybody to get over it was the final decision. Is there some new developments that I don't know about yet?

I really didn't think he could be disciplined until I went to Sirius's and Opie and Jim's Facebook pages. The bombardment is fucking relentless. There is a slight chance that Sirius could throw out some bs suspension or something as an act of appeasement.

The hate on social media is still pretty strong

new developments? #cakeandsodomyforopie

Do you also require that a girl with a porn star body fucks you for you?

Who gives a shit as long as it gets done.

Hrmmm no still fun

What is? The entire fucking thing is creepy, some of the stuff people are writing here is just heinous and is coming from a really dark place inside a dark person. That doesn't not make it entertaining or funny

If you participate in the hate you are mentally ill. If you like Opie and Jim you are mentally ill. We are all on a subreddit for a show that doesn't exist anymore. You're Tyler Durden

Fucking well put!

actually, like i explained, I don't want him fired over #cakestomp.

No one is denying that it is a bullshit reason but that's kind of the beauty of it. The same weapon that was used to ruin a show that we all really enjoyed is now pointed at the fucked up corporation that caved to it in the first instance.

I'm staying I find it creepy as well that those who want Opie fired for the same reasons as I do actually support him being fired for cakestompgate, which I actually don't. What can I say, I want Opie fired for old-fashioned reasons.

Jesus fucking christ, give us a break Oprah.

You got lost somewhere and ended up on the wrong sub. Or you are just an asshole.

Either way, leave.


edit: Did you see the last sentence