Anyone know where Andrew is?

2  2015-10-07 by Jordash995

I wonder if he's forgiven the opster.


I'm almost positive they said he died a few years later but I could be wrong. He just left that area where he stayed and O&A never saw him there again. Maybe he went somewhere else where he wasn't dehumanized by his "good friend" Opie everyday.

In my fantasy, Andrew gets his life together gets back on good terms with his wealthy and powerful family and is now living a good life. He secretly posts on this sub to trash the OPSTER but realizes he is his own worst enemy and allows him to self destruct.His family however does not forgive,and works tirelessly to destroy ope's career.


He was very badly raped,you see.

A victim of the MODERN AGE!

Poor poor bum!

He opened a home for battered cakes

Paid off Roland's mortgage?

He died from a broken heart.

Ask Opie where he is. Apparently they're best friends

Enough about Andrew

homeless person + 1 year or more of lost touch = corpse