i found a Harry Hater from 2013 in 'the Depressing Aftermath'

3  2015-10-07 by youdonotnome


it is in the after math of the gay-off.

which is the most disturbing show i have ever heard.

apparently one of the guys that sucked dick for money was drowning in medical debt from some horrible disease.


And Troy admits he jerked off to the whole thing.


why do i listen to this madness.


He sounds like an idiot normally, there is no need to embellish with the twitter voice.

harry the hater,,,remember when that was a thing

Speaking of haters, I ALWAYS HATED TROY. Why the fuck did they want him on so much he fucking STINKS. I'm sorry about his girlfriend and I ain't gonna rag on that shit but he always came off as a huge douche who was the opposite of comedy.

Because he's the closest thing to a "90's cool guy" that Opie absolutely adores and has been trying to emulate his entire career. He just doesn't realize that Troy is an absolute horse's ass poser.

what happened to his broad?

also when he was hitting on Blind Stevie's mom and that other intern's girlfriend I thought that was pretty fucking funny