TL;DR for all the recent drama?

1  2015-10-07 by IAmVictoriaAMA

I feel like a complete douche but I haven't really listened in at least 2 months and I'm completely lost. On the subreddit I can't tell what's a joke and what's not, and listening to clips I can't tell what's real and what's a coverup. Anybody want to do me the favor of redpilling me on recent developments?


a couple of weeks ago Cakestomp got posted again to r/videos. As far as I know, it wasn't one of us. It went viral again like in 2013. This coincided with Jocktober, which had been planned for awhile to torment Opie with his own medicine. Basically everyone is trying to torture Opie with unclear and disparate goals; get him fired? Make him cry again? Have guests cancel? who knows. All the stuff/clips that people are trying to get seen and heard are things that Opie actually did, for the most part. The kicking the dog thing may not be true, but the consensus is that if it's not, it's just as much a victory to have him have to admit it's a lie.

TL;DR *Nothing really "new" happened, but the new round of Cakestomp perfect-stormed with Jocktober. *

I agree with you except one thing. I don't know how many years you've been listening but Opie kicking the dog is absolutely a true story. You can tell the difference between joking or being sarcastic as opposed to bragging & laughing about it for years & the details never change, & you know damn well that the details always seem to change each times Opie retells his bullshit stories.

Also, if the stories are true then why did the Stangels pull the video that I posted a few days ago where he was laughing & bragging about it? And why are the Stanhels desperately going through tons of YouTube videos that might possibly have him bragging & laughing about it? And one more thing. I already posted one video & watched at least a dozen others over the years of him admitting bragging & laughing about kicking that tiny dog. So if there was a video of Opie clearing up the story & seriously admitting that it never happened, which you know all the Opie fans would help find those videos, Then why isn't that video clearing Opie's name posted on OpieRadio, Stangels & the Sirius XM Twitter & Facebook Pages?

Yes. Opie is a lying pussy, the end!