Another Opie lie exposed one question in

64  2015-10-06 by Dannyprecise

After Gilbert left the show, Opie and Marc Normand had this exchange:

Opie - "not many people know this, but I'm a HUGE fanboy of Gilbert"

Marc - "really? Have you seen his hour specials?"

Opie - "ah, no..."

Wouldn't a "fanboy" have seen them?


Opie is mentally retarded he probably only remembers him as the voice of the bird in Aladdin.

Gilbert does standup?!

hey, at least he knows his football

I would like to ask him who the top receiver is this year. Or if he can name any. He'd probably answer Richard Sherman or some dumb shit like that.

"He's the guy who does bird voices, right? He did it for that 'Affleck' company." - Opie being a Misinformed Mispronouncing November-30th Pumpkin who would be Trashed if he were Vos.

If Opie was Vos Jimmy wouldn't let him get through a sentence without tearing him apart

Trying to imagine Vos reacting the same as Opie shows how badly Opie sucks as a human, entertainer, citizen, and father. Imagine Vos mispronouncing something, Colin calls him out for comedic effect, and Vos just grumbles and mutters angrily for a little bit, feeling embarrassed like an adolescent and trying to immediately stomp out the fire of mirth. Someone else chimes in and Vos shouts "oh is THAT how it is? You wanna go, LET'S GO!"

Leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone.

Just leave it alone; trust me, just leave it alone.

Yeah Opie really is a thin skinned buffoon, the worst kind

Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than Opie pretending he's holding something back and then all of the comics in the room having to play along and pretend like they're scared of him.

"I can show you the jock
crying, sniveling, 'tarded..."

crying, sniffling. Period.*

Whaaaat?!?! That bird sounds like the old Aflac Duck... l'il bit

Don't be unfair. He remembers his performance in Problem Child as well.

" Prince Abubu "

He's 52 years old, I doubt he's sure exactly what fanboy even means.


"The housewives STINK!". "Ever seen the show?" "Ya, every episode"

Opie probably meant from listening to Gilbert on Howard. Opie used to have people like Ben Sparks record Howard everyday. Opie lies like he never used to listen, of course he did. You can see it in how he bitches about Howard and tries to emulate his career, only a listener can know all that.

"Huge Fanboy" would indicate he'd, at the VERY F'ING LEAST mention it once in a while. "Not many people know this..."; what a inveterate liar. He's got nearly 400k twitter-followers and over a million daily listeners, right? You'd think he'duh "spread the wurrrd".

People wanted me to bring up the Howard thing but maybe the next time. Jim: Who cares? ME: You know how the fans are.

Yeah ok, Opie, just like the fans bug you to ask scientist of what they think about god everytime....

"So, about this whole afterlife thing, what happens when we die?"

"I am a geologist, not a philosopher or theologian."

Then the guest is all confused, "Is he one of the dumb guys off the street in this wacky morning zoo?"

I bet Opie has had 50 interviews and phone calls where people didn't even realize Opie was a cohost and first on the marquee.

"Where ahhhh -- where are you at on the whole aftuhlife ting? Ya believe in GAWD? Do ya think there's a GAWD? I like to say 'GAWD' because it's funny to say words in a wacky way."

It's bizarre that Opie believes that a guy who runs a planetarium is the best source to answer such questions.

He's just like any idiot, he needs his beliefs justified.

He can't be happy with his own beliefs and ideas, he needs someone smarter than him to agree with his childish ideas.

I'm not sure that Opie has any convictions; lately he'll flip his stance on anything within the same sentence.


Wants so badly to matter. Aches for relevance. Knows he's boring and uninteresting. The lack of confidence in his quivering, unsure-of-himself voice gives him away every time.

I hate his "not many people know this" and "it's a well known fact" lines. Nobody cares what you think or did Gregg! The reason people like Jim and Ant is because they are funny and have interesting stories. Nobody cares about his allergies talk.

Yeah, but that flu talk with Ethan Hawke was downright riveting.

nice try on the hate tho

A fucking actor without a day's experience in radio knows more about radio than Cousin Titsie.

No. He's a fanboy of Howard and Howard loved him (pre-evolution of course) on his show. That's what he means by fanboy of Gilbert.

To be fair, Gilbert has one mediocre DVD but hundreds and hundreds of hours of hilarious appearances on Howie's show. That's really his strongest body of recorded work (outside of his relatively new podcast).

Obviously you haven't seen Problem Child 1 and 2. Haha.

I thought he just had the one special. Dirty jokes i think it was called.

Same here. Never saw any other ones.

I may have accidentally pluralized that sentence but the fact remains. - if you're a self-proclaimed fanboy, you should have probably listened to his one One Hour stand up special.

He was pushing that thing every stern appearance for at least 5 years.

What he meant to say is that he's a huge fan of Gilbert on Stern, but Opie doesn't have the balls to admit he listens to Stern everyday.

Yeah, that was so dumb. I guess he was a fan of him on Howard's show, but how can you call yourself a fanboy of a comedian and never see one of his specials? Who would even say they're a faboy of Gilbert?


Yeah, prolly.

fakeity fake fake

Requisite "link to audio????"post.

I don't record the show.

didn't someone already bring this up?

Like most Gilbert fans, he probably got into him by listening to Howard Stern all the time.

I'm not sure that Opie has any convictions; lately he'll flip his stance on anything within the same sentence.