Southern hack makes cakestomp response

33  2015-10-06 by RockCoatMon

How does this dweeb have 100k views on this? Oh my lord it just wont stop getting funnier.



I don't have a Facebook account - can someone please get in there and let them know this comes from a millionaire radio host named Opie, hashtag #CancelOpie etc etc?

there could finally be peace in the Mideast, all it will take is one beheading of a large breasted autistic. must sacrifice one for the many.

Wow someone is offering to pay for an autograph from this dude. That's almost as lame as a signed sodoku puzzle from the opester.

I'm continually astounded at what is popular nowadays. People are fucking strange.

You know when the internet came out, and people started making videos that would supposedly one day rival television? Well it happened and it's all awful, so very awful.

My own swedish kin pewdiepie is the voice of a severe autism. Bobo might one day rise up and teach them things

I only know who that is from South Park, and even them making fun of him made me want to stomp on his face like it was a cake.

I would subscribe to a bobo network.

Oh, god. I forgot about the signed sudoku giveaways.


White knighted instantly: " Dustin Wikoff The guy's name is Opie and he hosts a radio show. This was a prank, he left out the fact that he actually knows the homeless guy and the homeless guy was paid before and after the event."

That's an interesting new angle of bullshit, he was paid before AND after?

Well yeah, before anyone knew opie was going to stomp that poor guys cake people were throwing a few bucks his way because he was homeless and that's what they did.... however, the angle that Andrew was "in on it", I would likely guess that that is completely untrue.... unless opie just doesn't want to tear down that wall and expose chuck from NC as a prep burger caller


It speaks volumes about how terrible tits is when I'm taking this fags side.

What? It's really "Pie Stomp"?? Holy hell.

Made me giggle it did.

"Holla at ya later, playa"

This is growing into a social experiment of what happens when you take things out of context

The comment section of that video has the collective intelligence level of a backwoods, middle school dropout.

I have to say that for a guy who wants to be in the public eye, He has the most uncatchy stage name.

I couldn't watch the whole thing. His idiocy hurts my brain.

Lol someone wants to find the homeless guy and give him $100 clams. This guy is annoying and unfunny as it gets but if he can stir up this redneck mouth breathers this could take off even more

I turned it off as soon as I heard how he pronounced the word video. How do southerners not know how fucking terrible their voices are?