The Shit Blizzard is Coming

33  2015-10-06 by bigchiefslapaho

Tits is about to get fucked big time. Anonymous has allegedly been made aware of the cake stomp video and they are vowing revenge on Tits. Read the comments for yourselves:

One version of the cake stomp video has reached almost 90k Twitter accounts in the last 4 hours alone. And that's just on Twitter. That's not even taking into account all the hate that this video is generating on other social media platforms.

Looks like Tits finally got his wish to make a viral video. Eventually SiriusXM will cave in to the outrage created by the videos. Say goodbye to your hack piece of shit board operator, you Opie fanboy dick suckers. For everyone else who dislikes Tits and has participated in Jocktober, good job.

Hold onto your fawkin peckas, Jocktober has only just begun.


Have another drink Mr.Lahey


Shit apple from a shit tree.

Just a couple of drinks, Randy-man.

I am the Liquor!!!

I could never get into that show

That's because you have a shitty sense of humor and you're dumb. :)

do you like big time in Hollywood FL? that was my last favorite comedy show.

That's ok. We all have our own tastes. Take care.

Please defend Opie on twitter by telling the outraged people that the homeless man didn't actually earn the cake, he begged for it like a worthless pile of human garbage. So not only is he a beggar, he's a liar too. And got paid hundreds of dollars according to sirius, who fully supports opie.

this is the true phase 2 - keeping the outrage alive by defending him

SJWs doubledown on their causes when confronted with evidence that contradicts their claims. Like religious zealots.


The member of the parasite caste knowingly came into contact with a white millionaire and purposefully triggered an emotional response which coerced Mr Hughes into handing over his money. Not only did this slothful minority psychologically traumatize Mr Hughes but this leach died before the Sirius XM legal team could open up a lawsuit against him.

It's better'n store bought, Randy



A hack getting hacked.

He who looks into the abyss realizes that there's nothing looking back at him. And the only thing he sees is his own character. You understand... the abyss? The shit abyss...

Not another night of the shit abyss, Mr Lahey.

I think they're Anonymous wanna-bes. I looked at their FB posts to each other. The only thing they accomplished was identifying the IP address of and doing simple WHOIS lookups to get domain information, which they called "doxing." Oh, and identifying ports 80 and 443 were open. No shit, it's a website. It was pretty pathetic.

yuo ar3nt 1337

everyone is an anonymous wannabe. the bulk of them are pretty useless. they're too stupid to do anything but be led.

i certainly left the moment that scientology shit took off. i'm not down with any "cause", when it comes down to it.

The shit winds are blowin, ran.

It's time to haul in the jib before it gets covered in shit.

"When you plant shit-seeds, you get shit-weeds."


Don't think he's getting fired, but still funny.

Funny that the cake stomp happened in 2007, and that was also the last time anyone was scared of "Anonymous".

The anonymoose?

Just went to that link, and the first return is another gem from BaldOpie. Love that son of a bitch.

The cake video has come up every few years and they've had to address it every few years...I don't see them changing their strategy and suddenly becoming outraged after publicly condoning it like 3 times.

Wait do people still think Anonymous is a legit hacker group and not a bunch of SJWs who google user names and shame on social media?

My God, if Anonymous hacks into fat, untalented Stangel's wigmaker's database, it would be glorious. And then hopefully Justin would fuck off.


OK but they pretended to be his friend AND they guesstimate over a few days people threw over $100 which was more than his usual daily take sometimes.

Remember they convinced him that they were his friends .... oh wait that makes it way way more shittier :(