Nobody has the patience to sit through a 5 minute bit about a dog being kicked, keep pushing the homeless/racist videos instead

60  2015-10-06 by [deleted]



Seconded. The Chester angle is a red herring. It's not going to catch on, and mentioning it in FB comments just shows that you're one of us Haters.

Sad though, because it's probably by far the most despicable thing he's ever done. I live with an annoying as fuck dog (and generally don't like dogs anyway), but I would never hit it much less punt it in the fucking guts over a steak.

Yeah, it's like when people tried to spread around Ant's break on eugenics. Too long, only audio, people don't care.

I agree. The people we want pushing this are valid idiots whose attention last 2 seconds before they're off to the next phony apology.

If we're lucky we'll get one these SJW to actually do their homework on The Opester and find out this Chester ordeal organically. I can just see the long winded tumblr. So douchey.

But for now, leave it alone.

Leave it alone.

5 minutes is too long

What the fuck is wrong with people who have lives? Should they be on Ritalin?

I'll take some if you've got it

This is the internet. 30 seconds is too long, lol!

Damn. So fucking much happens in 30 seconds. Men are cumming into invalids faces, Jamals are being fucked by Russian airstrikes, everything is crazy.

There's no way to edit it into a 30/45 second clip?

Even if you could, it wouldn't matter. Without video, no one is going to give a fuck.

Animate it, with images of dead and beaten dogs in the background

Make one of 'dem fancy memes with big white text 'splaining what he done over his face.

The problem has nothing to do with clip length, it not being video or nobody caring about it. The problem is that Opie never directly says that he kicked that dog in any of the audio. You could easily edit audio down to a brief couple seconds of "Yeah, I kicked Chester and he died shortly after. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!". But that clip doesn't exist.

As dumb as Opie is, he was smart enough to know to never say on-air that he kicked Chester. Ant and others discussed it and joked about it but that's worth nothing without Opie confirming it. Also, Opie mentions in some audio that this alleged incident happened when he was alone with the dog. So basically it's an "Opie Lie" that he told Ant to sound cool (Ant had a story about flicking Chester on the nose so he tried to one up that) but backfired when Ant kept bringing it up on-air.

Chester is a good thing for once someone is on the trail. Once they're looking into Opie being a piece of shit it'll incense them more. But it's not a good hook on its own.

How can this be right? It's the worse thing opie ever did. And siriusxm could in no way justify it.

Kicking a dog is not a thing. Wake up.