Business fact: SiriusXM are looking at the attention Opie is getting as validation that firing Anthony was the smart business move.

0  2015-10-05 by Ant_Sucks

One year on, and nobody is paying attention to Anthony. Those hate-listeners to OpieRadio are showing up in the ratings just the same. They saved so much money by firing Anthony with no appreciable loss in revenue. If anything ad revenues will be up after all this attention.



Hate listeners are a minority, like any extremity.

Most O&A fans, are, well, gone.

1) Sirius XM are not concerned with "Opie" in the slightest, and if this cake stomp thing actually was able to get traction, he'd be gone too.

2) There are no ratings and I'd guaran-goddamn-tee there are even fewer listeners than the already dwindling audience they had the last years at XM.

3) Ad revenue is and has been dying for years in ALL entertainment media

4) As far as management not caring about Anthony and happy to save money there... I'd agree with that.

Lastly ...PECKAHS!!

Don't argue with this poster. Clearly he's a successful business man.

Yeah, and I would be willing to bet money that behind the scene's it was Anthony that pushed Opie into the outrageous behavior.

At least if you put me in Opie's shoes that's how I'd defend myself.