This is actually a very successful Jocktober so far

75  2015-10-05 by RonBengtan

The getting Opie fired histrionics are spastic, but as a Jocktobering this is very funny so far. The word was only ever PESTS and the show is very pestered.

  • Opie has stopped taking phone calls by the third show of the month.

  • The show has stopped announcing their guests (update)

  • The Harry Hater cock sucking video is the best thing that ever happened

  • Opie has lost over 17,000 twitter followers (possibly self inflicted with bot blocker? even funnier)

  • Days of this: @OpieRadio twitter feed Nice branding tits, totally worth selling your soul for.

  • Opie posting a message on his awful Merch site Contact page (I hope someone screen capped that)

  • Opie skunk sprays the internet for years with his desperation to go viral, goes viral as a piece of shit

  • Shane from the walking dead mentioning it in studio AT ALL, I laughed at the show for the first time in ages even though it went nowhere. Imagine the energy in studio if O&A were listening to Scott and Todd, and a guest asked them why there are pictures of fat girls eating diarrhea on their Facebook page

  • Anything good on Facebook? I don't use it on account of not being a 60 year old woman.

The Boys would have crowed over just shutting down phones if it happened during a Jocktober show. These petty victories are the whole point of Jocktober. Fired is nonsense (though I hope I'm wrong) but maybe we could get him to cry on the air again.

24 days to go


Jocktober has killed Harry Hater

long live Harry Cocksucker

I think this might be my favorite thing about all this. Opie had his dumb little bit that he would do, and then the fans just eviscerated him and now he can't do it anymore. it just warms the heart.

How about a Harry Hater "Hates Guys Who Stomp on the Cakes of the Homeless" clip? He could satirize all of the vitriol he's getting. The complexities would be mind bending - the bit would be the bit which would be the bit.

Don't worry about Harry Hater dying. Jimmy has several more characters that Opie can steal.

The Stangels are in here with their multi-accounts again.

Don't you guys have families? Why are you on Reddit defending Opie if everything is okay? Why is the show completely avoiding what is happening? If it wasn't effecting him, then the show wouldn't be walking on Greggshells about the current bombardment he is receiving in social media.

If Beefy Tits were to lose his lottery winner gig, the fat Cankel faggots would lose their free lunch money as well!

"Did somebody say lunch"?

Yeah Justin, shouldn't you be up to some viral hijinx?

I don't think they have any reason to respond to it, whether it is or isn't getting to them responding isn't going to help.

I agree, opie is not going to get canned but we are creating a very awkward situation for him. It's been 5 days and anything Sirius related on Twitter or fb has numerous nmrntions of outrage. He is angry and that is enough for me.

Opie wants to be the retarded radio Ryan Seacrest. This shit getting posted everywhere really dwindles the chances of that mainstream appeal, at least.

Idk. Sirius couldn't possibly just explain away kicking a dog to death and making it a tshirt. There's just no way.

Hey, that was a long time ago! The dog was a friend of the show and Opie gave it a couple hundred dollars afterwards. Anyone who doesn't see that is just missing the point! Ridiculous!

To be fair, Sirius didn't make the shirt, XM did, and they fired EVERYBODY from XM after the merger, except O&A.

You think a response like "xm made that shirt. We fired everyone from xm. Except the guy who kicked the dog to death." is appropriate?

sure that's not a hard one to squirm out of. they could just deny they ever knew it, and then use the standard "it was a long time ago" etc

I just don't think we should go after the shirt angle. I mean the fucking dog being kicked in that shirt was supposed to be the Sirius logo.

Is there a link to that?

Never say never. The hate is still strong on Facebook.

maybe we could get him to cry on the air again.

This is the new primary objective.

Also, @opieandjimmy no longer announces the guests before the show.
Also, "you wanna suck my tits?". Jocktober is going swimmingly thus far

Imagine an in-studio celebrity asking the We're Two Guys about what really was going on in those Thailand pics


Seriously, you guys are insane.

Considering this was the result the last time fans tried to organize, I'd say it's going swimmingly.


Just a few days in and Opie has already shut down calls, mega-blocked, and is doing the worlds dumbest 'pretend its not happening'.

OP is right. If 'Hole in the Morning' did that they'd be crowing about how awesome and hilarious and powerful they are.

Still a whole month to go woooooooot!

Good work, gents.

so they aren't taking calls because people were mentioning the cake stomp vid or just yelling at pie being unfunny etc ?

"If only he could get fired. Is there any way that could happen? I mean I know how to get myself fired. Well ... but how do I get someone else fired?"

"Well as I see it, you've got to apply the same principles that get you fired, but redirected, outwardly..."

Anyone hear the Icon talking about his fraternity days?? Absolute douche chilling.



Hey, you wanna suck my tits?

Not a newbie here but curious - is there any focus at all on how SXM saying "we can't control their actions" in regard to opie is polar opposite to what they did when they fired ant?

So basically you accomplished nothing and wasted your time on something no one knows about.

Fuck you Facebook is the shit, Twitter is for fags and 13 year old girls (which is why Opie and Anthony both love it).

very successful is a huge overstatement

Has it? The fuck is wrong with you?

So a timeline of nothing important happening.


You are over-excited faggots.

Scrape the chicken grease and BBQ sauce off your keyboard rub it on your tiny wenis and fuck your mother fatty!

Ass or mouth? Both?

technically none of this is important

Well sorry to say but listening to the show there's nothing to indicate there's been any change at all.

You guys keep sucking each others dicks over your moms' WIFI though. It's amusing to watch people that have accomplished absolutely nothing with their lives think they finally accomplished something.

It's like watching parents at the Special Olympics rooting for their kids. It's pretty sad.

Oh really? Tell me, who are the guests for tomorrow? They should have said that at least if the show hasn't been affected at all.

sir, please take that back, I'm responsible for three abortions.

This "Jocktober" hasn't even had a successful Phase 1, because twitter and facebook are good auto sniping egg accounts as soon as they start messaging random people.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much on multiple accounts...

Unlike half the people here I only have this account.

Those delusions though.

You still here, faggot.. You should go suckle your hero on Twitter.

Opie continues to make millions while you make thousands and dont get laid.

Forgot that one, didnt ya???

Aww looking for attention from big breasted Daddy? Do you think he would let you suckle his baggins if you defend him on the scawy interwebs?

lol it's gonna be funny watching people place blame on each other for it being a massive failure.

Edit- didn't read a word of that.

lol nah, its going good and youre a fag.

Rofl this place is such an echo chamber. Wake up.

Maybe if the topic at hand mattered at all I'd be concerned about not having more differing opinions. Were just annoying a douche, not solving poverty.

Wake up sheeples.

Oh so now the agenda was never to get Opie fired..the backtracking has begun.

exactly same amount of upvotes for the cucks who try to silence this truth

At least they could try to make it less obvious.

Sure, everyone here is one person lol. Tard.

But were all Benjamin right?

I know what post you're referring to (still on your mind huh?) and you didn't even comprehend what you read lol. Dope.

What in gods name are you talking about? quit deflecting.

Were just annoying a douche, not solving poverty.

Holy shit the damage control is real


Correcting minor grammar shows you're grasping at straws. Don't be retarded, Fresno with Z (you cool 90's kid). I only speak for myself, you can scroll through my history if youd like, autist.

4th time bombing with the "90's kid" "slam"



Where have I heard that before.

he's keeping track
he's yellow texting on reddit


You've embarrassed yourself enough for one thread. You need to learn to quit in time. Marking another line over my monitor.

It's funny because I humiliate you every time. I always derail you and leave you not addressing any point making you sound stupid. You mad, bitch boy.

Kenneth, we should just shut the lights and ram our erect cocks into each other's assholes. This needs to end. It's critical we pool in content at this moon.

Lol point proven. Stop trying.

You got it.