"Patrice speaks the truth about Hollywood"

15  2015-10-05 by Zavidovici


This is my favorite O&A YouTube clip. Patrice speaks 100 percent truth.

He was really great with metaphors. That's the telltale mark of a genius.

My favorite Patrice appearance ever, and to think it started with a "controversial" joke Tracy Morgan made that nobody even remembers anymore.

Do I actually remember? I recall it having something to do with like, he said if he had a kid and he told him he was gay, he'd stab him or something.

Yeah that was the joke, obviously completely out of the context of what it actually was since he was standing on stage doing comedy and not giving a serious interview

I mean, it's a joke, whatever. Not like Tracy was on CNN "Nah but for real, murder you fag children."

It's the official policy of Tracy Morgan that any and all homosexual offspring of his must be immediately murdered

I listened to this today and it was pretty enlightening. I think there's a lot to say here in regards to Sirius' reaction to Opie v Anthony. (I think it's clear that Anthony wasn't licking the boots he needed to.)

RIP Patrice. I may not agree with some of what he said but he laid down some serious philosophy with that appearance. He really broke down freedom of speech issues in ways I had not considered before. I could not stop listening the first time, then repeated it twice. What an incredibly intelligent and funny person we lost.


how do you know its the truth? years of experience inside the business? patrice was a conspiracy nut. the guy thought that the old trick of folding american money to create an image of the trade center buildings on fire was a real, planned thing (louis ck was in studio iirc) and he couldnt (for such an "enlightened" guy) wrap his head around how vaccinations work. ofcourse he'd think that hollywood was a giant nefarious cabal, its much more easy to accept than the truth which is that all he could inspire in the business was indifference. its easy to imagine a mass of people plotting against you but much harder to accept that they simply don't care.

I have "years of experience inside the business" and I can assure you Patrice is speaking absolute truth.

As for your "Conspiracy Nut" hypothesis, he was just a guy who really liked to entertain extremely out of the box, controversial ideas that made for really great entertaining radio and the longevity and YT views of those bits prove him right.

Wait, you mean to tell me that Hollywood is a cesspool of hypocrisy and sycophantic cronyism?! Good thing we had Patrice around to expose this obscure, muddled truth.

You post on this subreddit everyday? Super cool, man.

why are you such a miserable cocksucker?