After all your feverish hard work, SXM has shown that they don't even give a fuck about Opie's past. It is fucking hilarious to watch this sub shit itself in anger.

0  2015-10-05 by franklin_27

I'm laughing my ass off. After hundreds of posts, tweet after tweet, downvote after downvote, you tried so hard and still shit your pants.

Thanks fags, best jocktober ever.


"I'm not angry it's you that's angry!"

Shut up, you are!

Some men just wanna watch very tiny, niche worlds burn.

Bu-but, they took today off to celebrate his firing guise...

I know you're a troll, but if by the slightest chance you are genuinely an Opie fan then I'm flabbergasted he has even one. There's never been a jocktober that's intention was to get someone fired.

And if it's just about your hatred of Ant, I'd sure like to know what he did to you, sounds like he's the real winner when it comes to you.

No sir, Opie played this sub for the fools they are, and you cant deal with it. I am laughing my ass off.

I've never seen someone so butthurt or bored, well maybe that roganownsme cat that used to post here might have you beat. Looks like you're in good company.

Thank you sir!


Frank is a good man.

It's a thing of beauty, watching these cretins' hopes go down in flames.

Hi opie! Hows the wife doing?

You seem confused.

You're right, I forgot she left you for Bam quite some time ago. My mistake.

Thank you sir!

This has to be opie or someone related to him.

Couldn't get him fired could you? Just pretend like that wasnt your goal. Follow the rainbow sir!

  1. It's not over
  2. This campaign rattled Opie's cage for at least a little bit and scared him into thinking his job was in jeopardy. If nothing else comes of this, that alone makes this a success.

He's played this whole thing perfectly, and his employer stands behind him. He clearly knows how to deal with you morons. He gets millions, you fags get frustrated. At this point ANYTHING is a "win" for you dummys. I am really enjoying this.

His employer stands by him today. If the story were to be picked up by major news outlets tomorrow, do you honestly think they'd stand their ground?

Let's see what happens, eh sir?

How's that dick taste?

Why so upset?

"but we were wrong... and you, Rupert, you were right..."

Thank you sir!

Yea Rupert we get it you go against the grain to "troll" people, look how mad you've got everyone!

You didnt get Opie or SXM mad, did you sir? You lost little one, try again next time.

Rupert I said we get ittttttttttttttt

Thank you sir!

Go to bed

You seem confused.

How embarrassing

Don't be embarrassed sir, consider this a learning experience.

You got smashed Rupert stop pandering it's pathetic

I LOVE how I made you sign into different accounts and down vote/upvote haha let me know when you want that ass whipped some more girlfriend

Keep fishing for people to actually talk to with your fake stance, creepy weirdo

Are you clairvoyant, or making shit up?

Opie went back and edited the titles and descriptions of his videos.

I don't think anyone here is angry, Ope. I've just been sitting back enjoying Jocktober, it's not over.

I KNOW it isn't over! You are going to keep trying and failing to get Opie fired, which was the point of this whole operation all along. Eventually, you will downgrade that point to "making Opie scared" or "making Opie angry" but it doesn't matter. You tried to get Opie fired, you got so excited that it might happen because a few people talked about it, and now you have shit in your pants and have to leave the party. YOU LOST.

Thank you, sir!

All i'm doing is reading the sub and laughing,it's entertaining.I don't care if he's fired or not. I have not done anything outside of here to push for his firing.He's not that important in my life. He is obviously the father figure you've always wanted. You're welcome, madam.

Yup, when you fail at what you set out to do, just make up another goal! You laughed sir! YOU WON!

Sounds like someone has shit in his lil' trousers.

Please sir, dont self deprecate.

Good one,you have learned much from Opie "The Psycho" Hughes.

Thank you sir!

I truthfully hope that when you arrive home today, an African American gentleman from Susquehanna is waiting to repossess your hat.

Why so upset? Did i strike a nerve?

How is anything I said showing I'm upset? I just said I hope you get your hat removed.

Are you saying that wishing violence on someone isn not a sign of anger?

You lost AGAIN.

Oh literal franklin_27

Literal indeed sir, literal indeed.


Follow the rainbow sir!

He's played this whole thing perfectly, and his employer stands behind him. He clearly knows how to deal with you morons. He gets millions, you fags get frustrated. At this point ANYTHING is a "win" for you dummys. I am really enjoying this.

Are you clairvoyant, or making shit up?

Thank you sir!