Teflon Opie is going to escape any negative consequences from this CakeStomp campaign.

0  2015-10-05 by ryanasimov

It kills me to write this, because I can imagine Opie reading it (ha, I know) and thinking, "Thass right... the haters can't do SHIT to me!".

But the sickening truth is that he has somehow managed to slide into a well-paid position and SiriusXM management either doesn't care or has decided that the end result is financial viable.

I bet most everyone has known someone like Opie at their own job over the years. Opie is the employee who offers nothing, creates nothing, yet somehow has managed to wield their tenure into a weapon that cows management and intimidates coworkers.



Tits had to sit down with management and explain stomping on a homeless guy's cake, "haters", and reddit. I think we did pretty good for Oct. 5th.

The haters did enough. They took away his social media presence, silenced Hater Harry and virtually ended phone calls to the show.

I also think it neuters Opie moving forward. He'll always act now thinking that the next thing he does can (and will) cause a backlash.

Tits viral video days are over,he won't be filming the sad cunts of this world for profit anymore.teehee.

Tits fans are livid ,they can't enjoy the show anymore.

I'd like to think that's true, but it's been discussed here ad nauseam that Opie's lack of self-awareness makes him immune to learning from bad situations.

I think I'll be positive, however, and look at it from your point of view.

Harry Hater was reason enough to fire the OPSTER.
