I have a feeling that opie is telling siriusxm execs that this will all blow over after October.

4  2015-10-05 by Stud_beaner_69

Do we keep this going the rest of his contract year?


The year two thousand and tits.

I honestly don't care if he gets fired, I just want to make him miserable for the rest of his days. Is that so wrong?

Exactly. The initial goal was just to damage psyches. Cakestomp becoming viral again was just an unexpected treat.

the "icing" on the cake, perhaps? hmmhmm

looks like we got to have our cake and eat it too. heh.

Do you really see anyone actually stopping just because it's 12:01 am November 1st? Dat don't make no sense.

These cunts are finished. They don't have a prayer.

Introducing Opvember.

Tss how about or Titsarch

Home. Fawkin'. Run.



No one gives a fuck that's why. You have maybe 30 people from this sub who are actually doing anything, and out of the 30 I'm willing to bet none are SXM subscribers to begin with. The SJWs will move onto someone else in a few days. Honestly this is all quite pathetic and reminds me of the stand with Anthony protests that attracted almost nobody.

Anthony was fired minutes after his druken twitter tirade, Opie isnt getting fired guys, sorry.

Anthony didn't have anyone immediately available to keep him distracted and be a voice of reason. Opie, like the codependent mental patient that he is, is hiding behind Kenny & the Stangels, etc. not to protect him from us, but from himself. He's ready to snap, we just have to lean a little more and for a bit longer.

What will blow over exactly? This is only an issue in the imagination of reddit-tards.

Unfortunately history is on ol' Tits side. Cake stomp came and went before so I'm sure the bosses know that. Key is to keep fanning the flames until they really start to get nervous. Not just cake stomp but all of Tits shitty behavior should be pressed. Pick a video of the month (plenty to choose from) for the rest of the contract and press it hard.

We been at it for this long. It is fucking fun.

Opie makes it fun, he makes it easy, sometimes we get sidetracked and start hammering Jim or Ant, but then we re-focus back to Opie.

I figure as long as all 3 are around we have plenty of shit left to hand out. This is our purpose, we are the hero in the movie.

Do ya?

Even if Opie isn't fired, that show is going to be deader than shit the remainder of the contract. They'll just bide time and then not get resigned.

I can't wait for Board Opril