John Oliver owns pro-gun idiots like Anthony

0  2015-10-05 by AnthonyCumiaSux


Did he?

I fucking hate John Oliver

IT'S 2015!

Fuck this cocksucker.

I am going to move to England and start a political show shitting on everything they do. THEY ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!!!!!

I don't know what you were watching but the show hardly "owned" pro-gun idiots.

You're more likely to get shot by a you-know-who in a big city



Mental health issues are used to stop people looking at the stats of blacks killing each other, because that's even more hard to justify

Reminder that Opie loves this show. That's how unfunny it actually is. He also liked Miranda Sings being on Jerry Seinfeld's show.

I'm pretty moderate, politically-wise, and I like John Oliver, but I think its more the reverse - using guns as the excuse instead of realizing it might take 1000 hours to get someone mental help, which is hard.

I don't even know why I'm pro second amendment, since I never owned a gun, and one of my relatives was killed by one, but its part of the fucking constitution.


Not watching, but this dude is the king of making a big deal of decade old unsolvable problems that everyone is aware of, and then providing no real solution other than bitching. No follow up and a testament to SJW's short attention spans.

Someone should twitter him cakestomp.

He needs to leave the funny to Jon Stewart

Jon hasn't been funny ever since he became the lefts lapdog
