Just a reminder, don't forget to put #SherrodsTwitterArmy at the end of all of your Tweets.

3  2015-10-05 by JimmysLostFat


Because Sherrod sucks too, and maybe we can get some infighting going on.

Ok. I thought maybe he turned against Opie or something. Does Sherrod ever voice an opinion or does he pretty much agree with whatever the popular opinion is in the studio at that time? I only ask because he srems so watered down.

His opinions include both what black folks do and what black folks don't do

.... Wait. He's black!?

He has his own personality on Race Wars, but every time he's on OpieRadio he's a softshoeing yes-man.


Confuse and disorient the enemy, making them turn on one another.

.... Wait. He's black!?