Who are these people and why are they so intent on fucking up our plan?

0  2015-10-04 by bizzlbone


Fuckin cocksuckers.

You tell'em Chipper.

If you see this just reply with honesty. Opie repeatedly treated Andrew like shit, if Andrew was such a "friend" how come they don't know where he is, he has dozens of videos of treating all sorts of people like shit, he thinks throwing money at the homeless enables him to treat the like shit, and numerous other references at to how Opie is literally a fucking psychopath. No need to lie, the truth is enough to convict this motherfucker.

This is about Bobo not the hobo

Apply the same principle. How many DOZEN videos are there of them treating Bobo like shit? How many calling Bobo are retard? How many videos does Opie have of treating mentally disabled people like shit? The greatest thing about this Jocktober is that we are simply stating the truth, I haven't seen a single made up thing about Opie anywhere. No one can accuse us of "stirring up" controversy because this asshole really is a psychopath.


Philly crew is getting some of that pocket money to scour the Internetssss and diffuse the haterzzz. Just a taaasssste of the pocket money though.

/u/TehWez what gives, man?

A Google searchs showed me multiple videos and pictures with this bobi dude and this Anthony dude. That post I commented in made it look like it was some random disabled guy off the street. Even if they're not friends they still know each other making the video misleading out of context. Not that video wasnt dickish, it would of been a lot more dickish if he WAS some random autistic guy in the rain. Also stop tagging me, I don't know or care about this topic.

why comment on things you don't know or care about? that's mind-boggling.


Well then fuck off and go comment on shit that you care about, stay out of this

Bobo steps out of the studio and into his Cadillac? The only way Bobo travels by Cadillac is under it.

Which one?

The one telling everyone Bobo was in on it

He wasn't?

Nigga do you read