Marriage changed Juggs for the worse

3  2015-10-03 by [deleted]



Stop trying to makes jugs happen

I believe it was documented somewhere that Juggs went out to celebrate after Ant got fired

I hate Opie just as much as you - but this needs proof.

He went to a sushi restaurant night they re-signed, not when ant got fired. However everything else is spot on.

Supposedly he re-signed in july, and still pulled his "I don't know what's going to happen" bullshit til October. Don't know how much truth there is to that, but wouldn't put it passed past him.

It's put it past him, not put it passed him. I hate opie and want him fired but that didn't happen. You read that from an "insider" post on reddit which are always wrong.

thanks I debated which was correct, but didn't bother googling it.

Maybe so.

Opie and his wife are barely in a relationship. They are in a loveless marriage.

Found Bam.

There's love, her with his money.

Who is this "Juggs" you speak of? Do you mean Tits?


Attack his merits, not his family, if you want to gain ground

Yeah, what hen like comments

No one asked jew
