Survey: Just how fucking fat are you?

0  2015-10-03 by Ant_Sucks

Just wondering who needs a cake stomping intervention. It's never too late to lose that weight, but first someone needs to stomp all over your shitty diet.

Signup here.


Your keyboard crapped out, what did you say?

I would say i'm a little plump, scotch girl.

Plumping up, wha?

Not that fat, why don't you ask your mom. I was over there last night.

6'3" 195. I'd have abs if i drank less beer. Your internet nerd stereotypes are hopelessly played out.

havent been chubby since i was 12. i'm actually very athletic, have personal trained over the years, and have a shoulder-to-waist ratio to die for. the old men talking about their diets/sugar/gym habits on the show always gave me a laugh.

doesn't matter how fit i am though, i'll always be a ginger.

I'm Rolandesque💩

I'm morbidly obese.

6' 7" - 230lb