Opie totally gets Monty Python

34  2015-10-03 by almondshakers



& fuck derosa too. Monty Python stinks? Sorry it's not as good as your YouTube videos

Are you saying this comedic performance DOESN'T top Monty Python?



I got through half of that, and I felt exhausted. It actually feels physically strenuous to listen to this dolt. I don't think I've ever hated anyone more. I know why Ant ran out of the studio so fast at the end of every show, and poor Jimmy now is earning his money.

Listening to these dopes really knocks the wind out of you.

"It actually feels physically strenuous to listen to this dolt."

"Listening to these dopes really knocks the wind out of you."

Made it to 20 seconds myself.....perfect summation.

I don't even try listening to "opie sucks" videos anymore. it's just not fun

What an absolute, world class faggot Opie is.

No doubt. And hard to tell which of those videos is true and which is false. I don't think he even knows. So fucking autistic.

We all know how it was in 5th grade when we pretended to dislike or like something just because the tough guys did so. These guys just do it at 40+.

It's not that your opinion of Monty Python will change after you've become adults.

This is just embarrassing. I honestly feel sorry for him. Opie is so transparent.

I'm speechless. It's not even FOR everyone. You dont get a comedy club card for liking retarded looking walks.

Opie is a liar.

Although the other day he did say:

" you wanna suck on my tits? " to that dumb caller and someone here will isolate that for a funny bit and I'll be laughing and will be happy.

I smell a dance remix. Maybe that can be my contribution to the month.

People have called him a sociopath before, and I didn't buy it until this. He sounds like a really, really low IQ sociopath.

that was embarrassing

oh wow what a great fucking find.

this is awesome and so embarassing for the titsman

He's too fucking stupid to see why Monty Python is funny.

See, when Ant was there with his loud dislike of anything slightly foreign, Opie didn't like them. Now it's just Jim, and Jim likes them, so Opie needs to "check them out again."

Now that is cringe radio. It's like the 40 year old virgin scene where he describes breasts.