What phrases will Jim repeat over & over if Gregg got fired?

7  2015-10-03 by smokinswindler

Will litigious apply to this situation?


He'll probably say something along the lines of "reddit was right all along and I should modify my career based on their criticism".

I don't think he'd say that.

Oh Literal Jim!


"Ricky, save me daddy."

Probably cunt.

Probably his undying hate for all of you backstabbing faggots.

We didn't start this. They drew first blood!

To be fair, they stabbed us first.

Well, not Jim though. Poor guy doesn't deserve any of this. And before you say "He has no integrity for cashing in that paycheck." well, fuck off, None of you faggots would quit if it was you.

None of you faggots would quit if it was you.

No, most everybody deals with an "Opie" of some level of the "Opester spectrum" (lol), and we do it for a lot less cash than him.

Our only interest in these guys is entertainment, and when that goes away, well, sorry Jim. I liked you better when you were screaming at mentally ill people.

These ffffffucking nnnnnnosey...

Something about being an addict and wanting to lick Ozzy's scrotum.

Something involving diverticulitis

Baby boys


If they "in some perfect world" got rid of opie and It become the jim norton show, I'd be pretty happy.

If it became a comedy show, it would be pretty great. If it continued as old man Psuedointillectual, animal rights (right Ricky), anti anonymity Jimmy, then that can fuck off.

That would be fucking awesome.


"Fuck reddit."no way in hell would he get his own show. If opies gone Jim will be fired just as quick. The only reason sxm kept Opie or Jim at all was to keep getting cash from you fuckers. Yeah fuck Opie but at this point we're really putting Jim in jeopardy with his stable job.

I really don't think so. Jim could have a show cohosted with another comic and keep the ball rolling. even the Nopie shows that Chris Davis uploaded from O&J are all pretty listenable. It's just Jim being silly and I like it.

I don't think he'd say that.