I'm happy Opie's "Andrew was a friend of the show" excuse has been pointed out to be a lie, and the fact that he threw money at Andrew now makes Opie look worse, not better.

20  2015-10-02 by ryanasimov

Back when this happened originally that was my main criticism of Opie's douchey bit. Andrew was in no way a "friend of the show", and moreover, even if he was it was still a shitty thing to do. Expect Opie to try other excuses to save face whenever this is brought up to him. He doesn't have the self-awareness to let this latest episode of public outrage die down; he feels compelled to tell people they're DOPES for believing it.


If Andrew was really a friend of the show, then where's the humor in stomping on his cake? The whole "bit" only works because it was a random homeless guy.

I heard this live when it aired and there was never any question as to why Opie did it. He was " The Destroyer" and it was somewhat funny, I guess, to ruin something a homeless man was proud of. It becomes pointless if Andrew was a friend and was cool with it.

Fuck it. I really do hope he gets fired.

Little did we all know that Ed Asner was just referring to Opie's own career..... "HA! Ed Asner called you a destroyer!!!"

But... he was a different person then.

46 year old man

He was only 45.

That's his gimmick age. Dropped 5 years from his age 30 years ago.

There was a clip online where a pissed off fan confronts Opie about the cakestomp during the walkover, it was cringe inducing.

That reminded me of this https://youtu.be/xkGs4ss7zvQ

but that's the saddest damn thing about it all when Andrew thought that maybe Opie was his friend. Offers him some cake. Stomp and grin, throw a dollar at him. Thats the part where you can see Andrews face just .... i mean its really so damn sad!

Ya saying "this guy thought he was our friend" actually makes that so much more worse and Opie so much more an asshole and yes that is the real painful 'hurt' on Andrews face afterwards. He thought they were friends.

It would have been way better if it was a random hobo. at least it wouldnt be so damn personal.

Friendless Opie has no experience with relationships that aren't based on money. He doesn't understand that solving a problem with a "friend" by throwing money at it is contradictory. If he truly believed what he says, that Andrew was a friend, or that it was a bit, there would have been no reason to give him money to make up for it.

Stupid didn't even appreciate his own stolen bit. He felt guilty, or he at least emulated what he had seen guilty people do in the past.

He's Ron Burgundy. "If I gave you some money from my wallet would that ease the pain?"

I listened to that show every day back then and that homeless Jew wasn't a "friend of the show". Juggs has a lot of balls attempting to rewrite history when all of us know he's full of shit. I wonder if Mrs. Margera is actually the one telling Juggs what to do in regards to not allowing comments and hiding from the world right now.

did Opie give him money? I can't remember if he did in the video. I know Jimmy and Ant did. But just because Opie says he did after the video, you can't believe it. Opie is a known liar.

He retweeted someone mentioning they've done a lot of good for homeless, including getting Mustard a record deal. It's a great point, but it still only has two retweets after being up nearly a day. If he wasn't a dumb shit, he'd bring up all the homeless shopping sprees.

Does anyone have the full video of cakestomp?