Stop trying to find other videos, Focus on CakeStomp

20  2015-10-02 by EskimoEscrow

We get a home run with this cakestomp, and now everyone is posting new videos to "get" him with. You guys are getting distracted, focus on keeping this cakestomp ball rolling, it's already been retweeted thousands of times, this is enough to get him fired.


We can edit the worst sound bites of opie making fun of weak, addicted and poor people, with video clips from his youtube page of cake stomp, puddle wetting, half hulk face, to tell the narrative of a white millionaire 1%er shitting on the rest of us and laughing about it.

A short compilation of those things would get the message across. Give them a little taste, just a taste. That can be included with the cake stomp tweets.

This is what I mean. No dude, the cakestomp gif is making the rounds, it would take so much more effort to get another thing going.

I'm not saying spread it like wildfire but the cake stomping thing is the catalyst but I'm not sure it's the nail. It may attract the eyes of important decision makers but the video im proposing, if emotional enough, would be the deathknell because it wood bring everything together and make it easier for them to make the decision.

It's just getting so obvious who the redditors are now. 100 cakestomp posts, and then 1 post from @FartsMagilicuty with an egg picture saying "Did you know he also killed a dog?!?"

i disagree entirely. cakestomp has its own legs, these things blow over if you don't feed the fire more fuel.

I don't like the tone of this, like we're not supposed to be attempting multiple home runs.

Exactly. Let's see if we can get a mercy rule by the end of October.

Over the course of the month, yes. But it's like we're trying to start new little fires when there's a huge bonfire right behind us.

I agree Cake stomp can keep driving it down the center but without leaving 'cakestomp' throwing in support vids is really good backup and work as 'confirmation'.

Guitar Smash is actually going pretty good but again in conjunction with Cake Stomp ..then throw in 'fat shaming' or abusing retards and it really really powers up Cake Stomp.

Also finding new angles is fun and creative and the titles are making me laugh.

'Wealthy Frat Boy' and 'Rich Jock' .. i dunno.. it just pleases me.

I disagree. Over the years Opester has said so many things stretching for the funny and to stay in the conversation with others that for talented people of wit are funny, but for Opester come off as serious because of the lack of laughter.

A broad scope, varied attack is much harder to defend than a funneled one. Like 30 Cosby accusers rather than just one high profile one.

Speaking of Cosby, I remember when that story broke and Opester saying something that on it's own was very offensive to women. Again, trying to keep up with the humor in the room discussing Cosby. I wish I could remember more. I think I mentioned it on here but I may be wrong. But it was something towards the idea of the victims asking for it/could have prevented it. Later Damon Wayans said the same and look at the shit he caught.

Get all of them: anti-bullying, pro-transsexual (Jenner), black interests, homeless defenders, women's rights etc. Get all of them looking at this douche. It will stick to Opester because of the lack of humor/insight/talent. Jim and the others though will always be able to explain their attempts at humor.


you can downvote this, but this isnt going to get him fired. it happened over 9 years ago. If anything was going to happen it would have already happened.

Just because the faggots have taken over and now every-fucking-thing under the son is offensive doesnt mean siriusxm is going to take action. This is free pub for both tits, the show and siriusxm.

Paula Deen got fired for saying nigger more than 20 years ago. Shit like this is impossible to predict.

extremely good point sir. all depends on the pressure on the company

but niggergate had a metric shit-tonne of corporate white guilt fueling it. The opster's only foul was to jump on a cheesecake that belonged to a scourge of society.

It was also done ON AIR so just stop with the "impossible to predict" shit, its entirely possible to predict and nothing's gonna happen. Don't you see it would have already happened??? Just because some fucking slactivists on twigger are up in arms about this shit doesnt mean dick. SXM knows the truth behind the video, no matter how far out of context people take it.

I get this is a past-time for you guys, but in the end all youre doing is spreading publicity for both tits and the show. Fuck man, I'm not an Opie fan at all but even i see this as a win for him. "any publicity is good publicity," is how the old saying goes. I mean i think this shit's hilarious, but to honestly get one's hopes up about his firing is just plain fucking stupid.

I disagree with every one of your points. For one thing, Andrew was clearly not white and is actually less of a scourge to society than the violent criminals that Paula Deen was referencing. This could easily become a racial issue for some people, as you would know if you looked at the worldstar tweets.

The on air thing means absolutely nothing. People get fired for stuff that happens on air all the time. All it takes is an uproar from someone who matters.

I highly doubt that Opie will actually get fired, but who cares. It clearly makes him uncomfortable, and the idea that this would somehow turn into good publicity for Opieradio or Sirius XM is completely ridiculous. People who have never heard of him are legitimately angry and think he's a complete asshole based on a 30 second clip. It will be one of the first things that pop up when people google his name. That's not a good look. Bad publicity is not a good thing, regardless of some stupid old saying.

you are a fucking idiot. plain and simple. "shut up, stupid."

Good counter-argument. Try to explain how the cake stomp video is "good publicity" for SXM or Opie. It's an impossible argument to make for anyone with an understanding of marketing. You won't even try to defend your original point, which is essentially an admission that you were wrong.

jesus you're a reddit faggot

Nope. Look at my post history. I only post on this subreddit and maybe a few others.

Stop deflecting. Try to explain how cakestomp is good publicity or admit you were wrong.


That's because you are incapable of defending your own argument, you fucking faggot.

nope. it's because I don't argue with reddit faggot retarded neckbeards

Except you do. You turned this into an argument and then resorted to name-calling when your points were countered. You're a fucking loser, Incapable of making a logical argument or even understanding one.

You are the Opie of this subreddit. That's why your stupid original comment got downvoted to the bottom. Unfunny, unintelligent douchebag that nobody likes.

no, reddit faggot, just no.

you're trying way too hard.

I'm trying to debate you on the merits of your argument. Shame on me. Maybe some day I'll be apathetic and lazy like you!

I still can't believe you said the cake stomp was good publicity for Opie. What a profoundly retarded statement that was, and you can't even admit you were wrong. Truly the sign of a stubborn asshole.

you're a true faggot with full blown aids

I should go post on my facebook about having AIDS. That would be "good publicity" according to your brilliant line of reasoning.

you address note of a reddit faggot than anyone I've run into here in over 5 years

Thanks dude! Please tell everyone you know about how I'm a huge faggot. That would be even more "good publicity" according to you.

Are you ready to admit that you have no idea how publicity works?


Spread the word!!! I need the publicity.



pssssttt....opie still has his job...ya mad bro? dare i say...

i tole ya so! lol...faggot.

I highly doubt that Opie will actually get fired, but who cares.

Me, 10 days ago.

You're the moron who said it would be "good publicity". Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look?

do you have any idea of what a faggot you are?


That is what Bill Cosby thought.

Look, guy, Opie only has a year left on his contract. If they don't re-sign, it's a win. Sirius/XM might not see the need for some shock jock who is giving them bad press. It's not like he's selling a ton of subscriptions.

nope. it's because I don't argue with reddit faggot retarded neckbeards