Wealthy Frat Boy Radio Host Doubles Down on Video mocking Homeless man. Insults those offended with hate speech.

22  2015-10-02 by unclepaul84


I hope Lyndsi is proud of herself. She attached herself to an elderly man that makes worse videos than a needy tween.

Hey man leave his CHICK out of this SHIT.

edited for emphasis

this is the first HH video that I've been able to sit through, and it was fucking terrible. I hate everything about this aging faggot.

am I crazy, am I the only one who doesn't understand why this "Harry Hater" is standing in front of a door looking through the peephole? It doesn't make any sense.

A few radical black people have picked up on my tweets lol they should love this. @TheRevAl

No way, Al is on there?

Cheap bastard kept the tag on the glasses so he could return it after the bit.

The goal of this whole thing, in my opinion, should be to build up enough hate with the sjw crowd, then right when it's bubbling over, parlay that into exploiting the Harry videos and Harry sucking dick so people all across the country laugh at him